Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:10
where did you get them from? Pound stretchers are was doing 8 for 99p, with is just over 12p each, which is pretty good. Not working this weekend, so I will pop in there on Saturday or Monday and buy some more 100watt and another pack of 60watt, I think that should do it then and should last for years unless every single bulb goes in the house every month for the next couple of years.
Nic Rhodes
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:11
The planet
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:12
The planet will be fine, climate have changed since it came into existence and will keep changing until the day it dies.
It is not a problem, the problem is adapting.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:13 an expert in all the branches of science involved I am sure you are right...just a bit of sarcasm there.
HOWEVER. Perhaps we could get back to the real purpose of this forum and thread and discuss low energy lighting as a method of reducing our carbon footprint. The members who are not interested in contributing in a positivemanner might consider 'meeting' elsewhere.
Just a thought...
Has anyone tried the 5W luxeon based halogen replacements yet - I want to rid myself of the last filament bulb in my house! Can anyone comment on the quantity of light output?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:13
But when I have a stock of 2000 and they are no longer available in shops I will make a fortune on the re-sale price and thus pay all my energy bills 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:14
I am well versed in the Sciences, and particularly Physics, what point are you trying to make regarding the Laws of Physics, of which there are many?
All I am saying is that I have yet to find any energy efficient lamps that fit my need, I am not concerned about the energy it takes to light my house, I just want it lit the way I want.
In the name of Physics, and many other things, it would be better to just build enough nuclear power stations to provide the energy we need. Irrespective of whether you agree/ disagree with global warming, it will at least stop us having to rely on so many foreign nations for our core energy supplies.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:15
How about the nonsense of producing a light that uses most of it's energy burning it up in heat instead?
I use energy saving bulbs as they last a long time and are efficient. If you want heat put the central heating on.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:15
That is fine, but I would rather that than a lamp that uses all its energy to not produce the required light.
I have have an oil powered boiler as I have no gas mains, therefore, I figure if I use lightbulbs as both lighting and heating, I am drastically reducing my carbon footprint by using the boiler for just hotwater and not heating 
Nic Rhodes
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:16
Intend to buy a couple of the bright ones next week to try out Rob, will post thoughts here
Nic Rhodes
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:17
I don't think any of us professionals in this area doubt that the planet has constantly changed in it's life or that this process won't continue, what we fear for is the millions / billions that may well die as the rapid short term changes that have occured to the polutants we put into the atmosphere make changes too quick for humans to adapt. Luckily nowdays I meet no one in the 'energy sector' or the 'CO2' centres or the other 'interested parties' like the government that doesn't believe this to one state or another, even in the like of the big oil companies. We have to change one way or another, and using a 100w device to produce light is just plain daft when the same came be done for less than 10% of the power on devices that last much longer as well.