robh2002 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:52

...not such a bargain when you consider the cost of the energy they use!

Chrisoldinho Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:53

Being completely honest here I was a sceptic of energy saving bulbs and I didn't believe the hype. I thought they weren't going to be as bright/wrong colour and may take ages to warm up.

All I can say is how wrong I was.

Literally they are the same size as normal bulbs, they cost 50p these days, they use 10% of the power and the light that they emit is actually more after about 1 minute of use and about 80% of a conventional bulb during the 1st minute (no biggy, you can't even really notice it much, in fact it's easier on the eyes).

So for any none believers out there, go and spend 50p of your hard earned on one and be amazed, I guarentee the newest ones are extremely good.

veryexcellent Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:53

They do have the '2-pin twist fit' too, picked up a few the other day and they are pretty good (for 10p each!)

ad47uk Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:54

Sounds good to me. It is annoying me that we are being told what to buy and what not to buy.I got a load of normal bulbs which should last for a few years. I got loads of 60 watts, but they are mainly for the downstairs loo and the stairs. I also got a load of 100watt bulbs, for other rooms.

I have to get some more just to make sure I have enough so when this dictator government decide they know what is best for us decide to ban them from sale.

At the moment there will only be a recommendation not to sell normal bulbs, but how long wil it be before we will not be able to get any?
thank goodness for Pound stretchers.

ad47uk Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:55

Been there, done that, still find they are no good. I don't know where you found these bulbs for %0p, but around here, they are 99p or more.

Maybe one day when LEd bulbs get beter and they have better light I will change my mind, but I am staying with my normal bulbs,

andykn Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:56

as in "....of physics"? Cos it already has.

whatsupdoc Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:57

If you're wondering where the interference on your radio is coming from.........try turning the light off.

Phil57 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:57

Obviously not shopping at Morrisons then.
Morrisons sell energy saving bulbs for 39p each and have done so for some time, they still do, but are also currently running a promotion and are now selling them five for 50p.

ad47uk Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:58

no it have not, the government have recommended that shops stop selling them, but they not been forced. I think that cheap shops like Pound Stretchers will continue for a while.
Why should we be forced anyway, what the hell have it got to do with our government or any one else for that matter what bulb we use?

Maybe they should ban those 500watt outside halogen bulbs first.

ad47uk Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:59

I don't shop a Morrisons that often and if I do I normally go in, get what I want and get out, but then I do that with all supermarkets when I am shopping and I work for one.

I came home this evening and saw a leaflet in our local free paper about them. Philips, with enforced by e-on stuck on them.

Still not buying any,
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