Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:42
please supply a reference or data for your statement...
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:43
...just re-read your post - I obviously didn't read it properly. I've not heard of any brighter luxeons than the 5W you mention, but I'll keep a look out and post here if any turn up in the future.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:44
From experiance that a florenace light can give me headace's even watching the tv as your eye's become more sensative to the strob effect of the light, including tv's .
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:45
OK, fair enough, but these are completely different types of light. Luxeons are LED based and not fluorescent based.
I've also not heard of anyone else having such problems (not that I am saying there are none)...Do you know if you are particularly sensitive to any forms of strobing?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:46
Right, well i've now refitted my entire upstairs (bar 1 room) with energy saving light bulbs and i'm mighty impressed.
The light starts off about 20% dimmer a conventional bulb, but within a minute it's actually brighter than a normal bulb i'd say by about 10%. The light emitted from the upstairs bulbs is very similar to normal bulbs and exactly what you would expect.
All in all i'm really pleased.
I'm looking for a dimmable energy saving light bulb now but cannot find one sub £8 which I think will negate any cost saving for me, so i'm not changing this one for the time being. If anyone can find one cheaper please let me know, i'm looking for an 11W Bayonet Cap Energy Saver.
Now for downstairs, i'm not quite as happy here...
As we have an open plan living/dining area it made sense to get some energy saving bulbs as we're in here here the most. As we use "candle" lights I opted for "ENERGY SAVING CANDLE 7w LIGHT BULB" from eBay.
Unfortunately the light produced is "Bright White" and a bit too glarey, it also doesn't suit the room that well (but that's not the candle's fault), also I was slightly disappointed with the size, i'm sure for some people it would be fine and the light may even be to their liking (almost xenon).
If anyone can find me some energy saving equivalent size of conventional candle bulb lights then please post a link, i'm looking for 40w equivalents that are screw in's and produce a normal warm light and not xenon/stadium light white.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:47
Bought 3 Lamp Bulbs from Sainsbury's on my way home the other night, the light is much warmer than the previous set, cost was about £2.50 per bulb but they are much smaller. Not sure i'll ever see the cost saving benefit as in total i've spent about £15 getting the right lights now but kay sara.
Still looking for a cheap dimmable energy saver then that's every light I use on a daily basis in my home done bar the kitchen.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:48
I think you'll find you get your money back very quickly, especially with the cost of electricity at around £0.19 / kWhr. Depending on usage and the difference between the old and new bulb's power requirements, it could be just a few months to break even.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:49
Needed one no bigger than a conventional bulb for inside a restricted glass shade. Found in Tesco, GE 12W exactly the right size for £;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
In Asda since, same bulb at £4.99 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:50
I am concerned that proper lightbulbs are becoming harder to find, and I am also worried that some silly law might come out to take them all off the shelf. Therefore,I managed to source 200 60W proper lamps for just 14p each, bargain 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:23:51
I managed to pick up x5 Philips 14watt (75 watt type i think) for only 50p for all of them from Morrisons 
Only when i got home did i notice that they was the screw type fitting and no 2 pin twist fit bulb that most lights are 