Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:00
The point I was trying to make is that the Laws of Physics rather than some "silly" law of the land are driving this, whether people who do not understand like it or not.
What it has got to do with our Govt is that they are elected to look after us and we will all suffer a lot economically if something is not done about the selfish few.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:01
supermarkets and DIYs will stop selling normal bulbs, but you will always have places like Pound strecher that will continue doing so unless it does become illegal.
Selfish few? Tell me how much equipment in audio, video and computershave you got? think about how much power that lot uses.
I have a 42 inch Plasma that take over 300watts of power when on, a DVD recorder, a TUTV box, a Wii, a PS3, a 5.1 surround amp ( cheap tacky thing, but it will do for a while).then there is my hi-fi. All of these are on standby 24 hours a day. then my computer upstairs is on more than it is off. My laptop is never off. then you got the small things like chargers for dect phones, I got 4 of them and then the router.
That is only in my house and yes I do have more electronics than some people.
My neighbour have three Sky boxes, no doubt three T.vs in standby, and a few DVd players, plus a LCd T.V which takes a fair bit of power when it is on.
I bet I could go down the road and ask every single person if they leave their gadgets on in standby and I bet 99% of the people do and there are a lot of people on my side of the road that have Sky, and no doubt on the other side, but their dish would be around the back of the house.
so I don't think that meor a few other people not using low energy bulbs is going to make a lot of difference.
Still got nothing to do with the government and they are hypocrites when they waste more energy than I do.
I use normal bulbs, because I don't like Low energy ones, I am not being forced into using low energy, and I don't care what this government or some greenies that want us to live in caves say.
Nic Rhodes
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:02
no wonder we have a problem.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:03
It would be nice if these low energy lights worked, the spots I have in the bathroom take minutes to get to their full brightness.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:04
It's not the government or "greenies". It's scientists. If you think you know better, that's up to you.
I turn all my stuff off when I'm not using it - I have better things to do than go to work just so I can pay energy bills I don't need to.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:05
I know I shouldn't because if you read the report the risk is vanishingly small, but............
UV light fear over 'green' bulbs
Still, if you do end up with a warm rosy glow, you'll be able to turn the heating down 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:06
You know, I wondered why I had such a "healthy" tan during such a dismal summer.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:06
who have a problem?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:07
so the scientists know better than me about my dislike of low energey bulbs?I don't think so. As for scientists being right, they have been wrong about many things before. Even evolution is still only a theory
The upstairs comp is normally in use, even if I am not by it, the laptop is just useful to be left on and to be honest take very little power. The other stuff left on standby is because it is easier and less hassle.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:24:08
Fantastic, it shows that nothing is known about these bulbs at all. Fuirst the mercury and now a UV light fear. Why are these things not checked out first , before they try and force them on us?