johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:18

If you want some other smilie, just say
It depends which definition of record you want.A record as in data that is recorded, or a record as in achieving something that is more (or less) than anything seen before

Truth is truth.Facts are facts,records (as in my second definition above) are records.I have to confess I have really no idea what point it is that you are trying to make.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:19

BBC News - Extreme rainfall in UK 'increasing'

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:19

BBC News - Sydney bakes in hottest day on record as bushfires rage

Lee Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:21

Some off topic posts have been moved to a new thread which can be found here.

Please keep this about adverse weather.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:21

BBC - Newsbeat - In pictures: Ice covers Chicago warehouse after fire

 French news report of this said in fact the water had frozen solid in such a way that a wall of ice surrounded the remains of the fire an there was a huge problem actually extinguishing the last embers.

Not record breaking, just deeply unpleasant:

(thank goodness for the jet stream)

But here is a record:
Record-Setting Heat Across the U.S. in 2012 - Graphic -

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:22

The Mistral wind in the South of France was breaking records for wind speed last night all over the place.For example, the speed recorded at Orange was 128Km/H.At altitude, the speeds were even higher.

The previous record at Orange (which was set last year) was 127Km/H.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:23

. |
National Breaking News

Bureau confirms hottest summer on record The Australian

Numerous records broken in Australia over the last few months.

The Bureau of Meteorology has confirmed it was the hottest season ever since records have been kept.

Records were broken for the average temperature and average daytime temperature between December and February.

A new record was also set for the number of consecutive days where the average maximum was more than 39C - the seven days from January 2 to 8 almost doubling the previous record of four days.

Record maximum temperatures were set in Sydney and Hobart and 14 other locations.

Perhaps most telling of all

And most thought provoking of all:

So, the hottest summer ever recorded was offset by cooler weather for much of the rest of the year so that over the 12 months the average was not outside of what may be expected.

Which may be interesting in a climate change debate, because one of the main concerns is that a small average rise in temperature may actually result ina disproportionately large variation in extremes.The hot gets hotter, the cold gets colder but the average is only slightly off what we are used to.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:24

Possibly not a record, but something I find interesting.I get an e-mail every day from Meteo France and one of the things included in it is the warmest and coldest places on the planet.
I have seen temperature differences of over 100C between the two before now, but on Wednesday May 8th, the difference was an eye-watering 111C.

The temperatures they reported were:

Allahabad / Bamhr... Inde 46 °C

Univ. Wi Id 8918 Antarctique-65 °C

(I think it is a research station run by the University of Wisconsin, in the Antarctic)

If I see one with a bigger difference, I'll post again

DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:25

The greatest recorded range (ie hottest & coldest ever) is 145.9°C, from 56.7 in Death Valley (1913) down to -89.2 (1983) in Antarctica, both in July of their respective years.

As the hottest and coldest places are in different hemispheres, it's conceivable that both records could be broken on the same day.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:26

Someone actually reads this thread?And then is inspired enough to contribute?   I'm chuffed.Or is that just the warm weather? 
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