johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:50

So the French numbers are now in.November was 2.9C warmer than average, autumn as a whole was 2.2C warmer than average (both these figures are averaged across the whole of France).
It was the 2nd warmest autumn since 1900 (no records there then!) the warmest was 2006 and the third warmest was 2009.So the three warmest autumns over the last 110 years have all happened in the last half decade.No cause for concern or even raised eyebrows there then. //

And if you were thinking of going skiing anywhere in France, don't bother.No snow (except a few slopes with artificial stuff and they will be packed to the gunnels)

John Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:51

How long is the period before records began that everyone is comparing the last hundred or so years to ? 

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:52


The cynics amongst us tell us that records from even just before the war aren't accurate enough, so from further back than the last century would be pointless even if they were readily available.Its funny though.They tell us the old records aren't accurate enough yet insist on telling us that a million years ago it was warmer.So 100 years ago bad, 1,000,000 years ago good.

Anyway, its not that the Earth is getting warmer, its the rate at which its getting warmer that is (or used to be) the scary bit.But no-one cares anymore, so its all incidental.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:53

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:54

I'm quite surprised that during this cold snap, no-one has posed the traditional "where's Global Warming now?" question.

Anyway, French news is full of particular records being broken, mostly not coldest day/night or whatever, but coldest Feb. temps for various towns and areas.

It does seem that the seasons are getting a bit mixed up, with winter now considerably later, spring very short, summer very long and autumn in there somewhere, but blink and you miss it.

Anyway, todays absolute record is French electricity consumption.Blew the last record out of the water, from Dec 2010, with a colossal 100,500MW.So much for a gradual decline in consumption due to increased efficiency, better insulation, electrical equipment that uses less and less etc etc.With an ever increasing consumption, together with German proclamations about giving up nuclear power, where is the future's electricity going to come from?Not gas, that's for sure.The news was full of stories about problems with the supply from Russia, to the extent that Italy went onto restricted working (no jokes please!! ) so that there was enough gas for domestic consumers.If Germany, with its much higher buying power, decides to take available gas for power generation during really cold snaps, the rest of Europe could well suffer.

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:55

I suspect fuel consumption is more closely related to wealth levels than to climatic causes. I remember the days when households would all huddle around a single electric fire in one room, whilst the rest of the house remained unheated. Nowadays it's all 24/7 central heating. Toasty! 

(ps. I had no idea they had electricity in France too. )

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:56

Where do you think the UK turns too when they need more than they can generate?Well, at least until the time when the Germans offer more money for the French leccy having turned off so many of their power stations.Then I'm afraid Im going to buy shares in firms that make wooly pullies for Brits

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:57

101,000MW at the peak last night in France

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:58

Listening to the Radio2 news this morning, apparently for the SE, East Anglia and the East Midlands, it has been the driest 16 month period ever recorded.And they are talking drought.In the middle of winter.

Lee Publish time 26-11-2019 04:01:59

The lack of rainfall is mentioned a fair bit in the Angling press. Some of the lakes and river levels haven't recovered from last year so another hot and dry spring could lead to all sorts of problems.
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