DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:28

Not today, it isn't.It's like November out there!

loz Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:29

Snow and winds of 65mph hit Devon and Cornwall

BBC News - Snow and winds of 65mph hit Devon and Cornwall

Snow in Princetown Snow fell in Princetown overnight and a number of trees were brought down by high winds

Snow has fallen in parts of Devon in what has been described as "fairly unusual" weather for May.

Winds of up to 65mph also struck the South West coast overnight with a number of trees coming down, some blocking roads.

Western Power Distribution said homes in Cornwall were still without power after thousands were cut off overnight.

Two inches of snow also fell in Shropshire overnight and people have been warned to prepare for flooding.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:30

I remember on June 5th last year my brothers central heating kicked on in Marlow in Bucks.as the temperature dropped to 5C.

He's now moved to AndalucĂ­a where he tells me its 32C.

Currently 20C here, but there's an evil wind and this morning was decidedly unpleasant.And I lit the fire last night.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:30

They were reporting on a French news channel this morning that the tornado in Oklahoma was possibly 3 times more powerful than the '99 tornado which had record breaking wind speeds.I shall await further details and post a link if anyone else confirms this.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:30

It would seem not John:

So more damage, but not more power.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:30

It does seem that some of the early reporting was somewhat over-excited.I got up the morning news was reporting the most powerful hurricane ever and 91 dead with at least another 40 (mostly children) certain to be confirmed.Thankfully it was much less serious, in that respect.And it seems the power aspect too.

A sign of the times, I suppose.The media report the most sensationalist story they feel they can justify and then quietly back-track when they think people are no longer interested. 

Perhaps I will start my own satellite and cable news and weather channel.

Wild Weasel Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:31

It's amazing that more people didn't die really when you see the extent of the destruction. The town of Moore had about 16 minutes warning apparently, which allowed most people to get to a safer location.

There's some photos of it here:

A Few Pics From The Moore Tornado - Topic

Seeing a concrete kerb completely penetrated by a wooden stave says it all about the power of the wind speeds. 

DOBLY Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:31

Hi John,

I do read this and enjoy thread.Contributing from here in southern NZ would confuse people - we have just had a day of early snow, and before that had a very dry period from January through to March, but since then the rainfall totals have averaged out.

Keep up the good work.

One reason why not many people contribute to this thread may be that it seems to be hidden away - you can't access the renewable energy and energy saving forum from the Lifestyle tab - you have to go into the Forum List.

loz Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:31

Coldest spring for 50 years

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:31

The floods in Central Europe continue to dominate European news.The Elbe and the Danube have been in flood for a while now.The elbe in Poland, the Chechz republic and Germany and the Danube in Germany ang Hugary.Austria, between the two seems to have avoided flooding for the moment. Serbia and Roumania to come presumably.The levels of the Danube have reached record levels I Budapest.Although some of this may be due to better flood ptroection up-river forcing higher levels further down-river.
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