Earth Hour - today!
Between 8-9pm today, millions of people around the world will take part in Earth Hour 2008 a WWF initiative asking people to turn their lights off for one hour, as a demonstration of their support for global action against climate change.
 ...and then on Monday I can join in this with a clear conscience.
Currently a nice juxtaposition of threads. Anyone who posts along the lines that they will promise to use no power between 1am and 2 am on Sunday morning will get their wrists smacked!  I'm gonna celebrate earth hour by turning on every light in the household. Are we allowed to use the odd candle? Or is that considered cheating? That would remind me of my childhood (3 day week and rolling power cuts). Great fun as a kid, but I don't recall the adults enjoying it much.
I'm not convinced these events are a good idea, whether or not a significant dip in power consumption takes place at the appointed hour. In fact, wasn't there something similar in the UK a while back? Made no difference at all, IIRC. Made from beeswax = OK
Obviously paraffin wax or other synthetic = BAD
At this point I should link to njp's post on satireas there are no-doubt people already posting* hairshirts for you and me to wear.
If you do insist, size extra large, postal address:
Third cave on the left after the watermill,
ps not by airmail svp I've just noticed that one of the celebrity supporters of this event is Zoe Ball. I don't suppose that pleases her dad! Hello, hello............??
Where are all those crusading planet savers when you need them?