Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:19
No, he launched into a tirade against the whole idea of AGW during a Christmas lecture at Edingburgh University...
I didn't know about that either until he was produced as an expert witness during a recent spat here. And I didn't know he was a pro-nuclear campaigner until you just told me!
I've been in favour of nuclear power (when I used to view all opposition as irrational anti-science), then against it (when I realised how the economics were very different from what we'd been told and that significant incidents had been covered up, and now reluctantly in favour of it again. I think we are going to need it, at least in the medium term. In the longer term, nuclear fusion, distributed energy generation from renewable resources and more efficient usage is the way forward.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:20
Tell me how would me sitting in the dark for a hour bring greater awareness? since the only person who would have known about it is myself,
Before you ask,no I diod not turn my lights out, no point since I have a 300 watt plasma burning more power in the back ground
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:20
Don't tempt me.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:21
Rather than awareness, its all a question of enlightenment!
or not.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:22
Don't temp you? all I done was ask a simple question and it seems like you can't answer, which proves the point that earth hour was a publicity stunt that will make no difference. even if people like you did turn your lights off for a hour and I can't see you are any other person sat in the dark for a hour doing nothing, after that day it is forgotten and people get on with their lives using the same energy as they always have done.
so once again, Tell me how would me sitting in the dark for a hour bring greater awareness?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:23
I don't see how, after the hour, people will just get on with what they was doing before and I doubt many people sat in complete darkness for a hour doing nothing. I wonder how many had their T.v on.
It was just a gimmick and to be honest will solve nothing, do nothing and it never will
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:24
Click to expand...
Sorry, the 'enlightenment' bit was meant as a pun
Wild Weasel
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:25
It would be interesting to know if the National Grid registered so much as a flicker in demand.
The last effort didn't.
Stephen Wilde
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:26
I wonder if we'll get a population surge in 9 months.
That always happens after large scale power cuts.
Any extra births will more than offset any benefit from the whole exercise.
That makes me wonder, if the AGW crowd gets it's way and we all spend much more time in darkness or unable to pursue our normal carbon producing diversionary activities, will global population explode exponentially ?
Actually, that's a more serious point than it might first seem.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:59:27
I was going to say you seem to be in the dark mostly anyway, but thought better of it. Anyway, it's well recognized that we (humans) are more inclined to make an effort recycling if we believe that all our friends and neighbours are also making an effort. It's a similar principle with the lights, and is more visible if more people participate, naturally. It's mainly about awareness and energy conservation.