Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:52
She must be so grateful to David Davis. The faux outrage has enabled her to deflect the criticism of not attending Parliament for the Article 50 vote.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:52
I'm beginning to wonder whether all politicians should be issued with twitter hoods, to prevent them exposing how stupid they are.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:52
But that's only the working class. If you include all the wealthy luvvies, academic 'Islington' socialists, Guardian and BBC types, Labour come second.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:52
My word, I really can't keep up with the changes in our class system anymore. Where do the state scroungers and Daily Mail and Express types fall? 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:53
But with Nuttals' expanding catalogue of lies (PhD, Tranmere Rovers, Hillsborough, home address on nomination papers for the by-election next Thursday) overtaking Leadsom and heading towards Trump, UKIP can only consolidate their lead.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:53
State scroungers are non working class.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:53
Means a possible wipe out in traditional Labour heartlands across the North and possibly in Wales as well. Seems the Saint Jezza shine is starting wear off amongst Labour members. Not really looked at what's going on in my local party for a while, probably should do. Oxford is a left wing Island in a sea of blue. Labour councillors feel threatened as that super council for Oxfordshire idea has been mooted once again i.e. Labour loses control of Oxford at a local government level.
If the By Elections are worse than expected, then I guess Corbyn's time is up. Self preservation by Labour MP's should kick in. Oh and apparently McDonnell knows he won't secure the number of nominations required for a leadership contest, so will put somebody else forward. Even that MP probably won't get the votes required to enter the contest. Labour needs a sharp shock now, to get an effective leader who can properly hold May's Government to account. Otherwise I can see a Tory Policy Orgy ending in disaster.
They are the underclass, curated by successive Tory and Labour Governments i.e. shove em onto the welfare state and leave them alone. Unless a convenient kick bag is required to deflect attention away from dreadful Economic Policies of the last 3 decades or so. There is a lot we could do to help people rebuild their lives, but Politicians are not interested in that. Doesn't win any votes and would destroy lazy narratives.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:53
But the Labour Mp's have been trying to get rid of him since he was elected (remember only 16 MP's voted for him), they simply dont have the power to overrule the Party members though.
Until all £3 supporters from Momentum decide to change their allegiance Corbyns position is pretty secure.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:53
Labour is traditionally not very good at knifing leaders in the back, unlike the Tories (May will have one eye over her shoulder looking for plots). Leadership contest rules can be changed and I suspect Milibands changes will be modified soon. If Corbyn resigns or finds he has no support to get the required nominations he'll likely step aside, leaving a leadership contest wide open. Tom Watson would be an ok interim leader of the Party while an election takes place (assuming Corbyn resigns and returns to the backbenches), Watson can get under May's skin.
Corbyn's choice of candidate for one of the by elections was not selected and he's being kept away. As for Momentum ? They pale in comparison to the power of the Unions. They hold the Labour Party's purse strings and if they decide collectively that Corbyn needs to go ? He'll be unceremoniously dumped. Could be tricky for Corbyn if Red Len does not win the Unite Union Leadership Election.
Also seems like those who enthusiastically supported Corbyn are not as enamoured with Corbyn as they used to be. Clive Lewis if he plays his cards right, will likely be in pole position to win over those members.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:55
I understand that, but as far as I am aware they cannot be changed without the backing of the Party Leader - and would Corbyn actually do something so stupid?.
Fair point - the Unions could certainly make it untenable for Corbyn to remain and force his resignation.