tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:55

I'm looking towards a post Corbyn Labour Party. I firmly believe that people need to be a member of the party for at least 6 months before they become eligible to vote in a Leadership election.

I think that hinges on Red Len losing the Unite Leadership election. His main rival is by all accounts not a great fan of Corbyn.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:55


Greg Hook Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:56

Ah YouGov. a solid source of accurate information.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:56

There have been a few rumblings from David Milliband. Maybe a come back is-sometime in the future- possible.

Stoke for UKIP was a total flop. Paul Nuttall is not a charismatic person, and just like Jeremy, I don't believe he is up to the job.Most of the electorate are putting their faith in Mrs May to negotiate a Brexit deal.

Who would want Corbyn or Nuttall making a deal for us?

If the Labour party have got any sense, they should strike while the iron is hot and replace their leader immediately.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:56

David Miliband might be able to save Labour from shipwreck, but he'd need a byelection. But I believe Corbyn would fail in blocking him from returning to Labour. The Party machine is not loyal to him and he knows it.

UKIP are fading away as they usually do after a big electoral success. They only really have one issue and that is now in the hands of the Tory Party. Paul Nuttal is an idiot, who likely only wants a seat in Parliament to get on the gravy train. The European Gravy Train is closed off to UKIP.

Who wants any of the Politicians in Westminster making a deal for us ? They can't even get Parliamentary bills right, as they often end up in the courts where Judges have to clarify the law or overturn new laws.

It's not going to happen. I would settle for the Labour party getting rid of Milne. He is the main reason why Corbyn's been so dire. In fact I'd get rid of his entire leadership staff, they are beyond useless and they often put the PLP's nose out of joint. If Corbyn wants the Labour Party to become a left wing protest party he's going the right way about it. I am angry at Corbyn for leading Labour down a path towards electoral oblivion. If a new party rises from the ashes of the Labour Party it will take some time to build a voter base up to challenge for power. The Left wing of the Party always takes Labour down a destructive path, while the Right Wingers disenfranchise voters. Time the centrists in the Labour Party took over.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:56

Surely those who voted for Corbyn have now been there longer than six months?

So if people joined to elect Corbyn and keep electing Corbyn will now just carry on?

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:56

They tried didn't they? He's won another leadership election.

Leave him alone. He's doing a good job.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:57

Where's the justice..Claudio Ranieri gets the chop and Corbyn says he wants to stay on to finish the job.... What job does he have in mind?

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:57

One by- election lost and the nuance of others that are won is done to death apart from Copeland and Moorside which is brushed aside of little consequence. However, nuclear is Corbyns own doing and in that he must responsibility for that alone, but the faux pas outrage at Corbyn is truly amusing.Indeed if it takes ten fifteen years for a true social democratic party and Government to be finally fashioned in the UK then so be it, and Corbyn is the right leader to thrust forward the social democratic agenda in the UK. The future at last looks golden for Labour who knows how many positives will come from being the largest party at home and in Europe will give us as the years roll on. And if people believe the answer lies bigly within May Cameron or Blair and his Mandies that is their choice but we on the young progressive left forgive and forget and welcome you back with our leftist open arms, and you will come...

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:57

Please carry on agent Corbyn. You have been more successful than most of us could have ever dreamt.

Don't give up, Jeremy Corbyn urges Labour - Don't give up, Jeremy Corbyn urges Labour - BBC News
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