Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:39
Its pretty clear that Corbyn is in way over his head, doesn't have the respect of many MPs (Labour or otherwise) and isn't going to get the party anywhere.
But who else is in the party that can lead ? it seems there are no strong contenders for a leader / shadow cabinet. Worse still, they are now hamstrung by the leadership election rules that saw Corbyn get in.
The party needs to rebuild from the ground up.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
It's like a lucky dip 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
Corbyn still has no control over the PLP, that's a basic thing any Party Leader needs to Marshall the troops to follow you to the ballot box. What people should be aware of is that MP's can vote against a bill through every stage, then in the final vote, either vote in favour or against (that's when the whips really turn the screws on MP's). This looks like another engineered attempt to oust Corbyn. The Labour Party in it's current form is likely finished, as was old Labour before Blair came along with the Nu Labour Project. This happens, the Left emerges, trashes the Party and is then forced back into it's box. Which naturally leads to the Tories being in Office for a decade or so. Before they fall foul of the usual Tory infighting and not paying attention to voters. Same old cycle, but with one caveat - This could truly be the end of the Labour Party. The Unions may well decide to start a new Political Party, it's got the cash. The only reason the Tories like to turn the screw on the Unions is purely about the money it provides to the Labour Party.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
I believe he thought it through. The EU referendum decided it for him.
Many Labour MPs are ardent remainers, vocally so, and by underlining 3 times the name of the bill to trigger Article 50 ensures the Labour MPs must follow the will of the EU referendum vote.
...Besides which Jeremy is an EU sceptic, but I won't mention that.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
We will just have to wait and see how many vote against the bill in the final stage of it's passage through the Commons before being sent to the Lord's. Parliamentary tricks a plenty to trip a party leader.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
Don't really follow internal Labour party shenanigans too closely (Tapz is the man) but whenever I see Keir Starmer he seems to be possible candidate?
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:40
Another thought just occurred to me..
If Brexit is happening because the country voted for Brexit, and Labour are voting for Brexit because the country voted for Brexit, why the hell would JC want a shadow cabinet half full of remainers?
Why not just offer them the perfect opportunity to resign from the shadow cabinet, or even parliament all together?
If you were going to crisis manage for the Labour party isnt this about the perfect time for someprincipled, democratic and honorable resignations from shadow cabinet ministers?
If we have a Conservative government, and we exit the EU, then being a Labour Remainer puts you at the very bottom of the poltical ladder, almost as low as the Lib Dems.
(thats not meant to sound party political, i mean in terms of overall numbers of mps)
Maybe they've just all gotta go and this is just the beginning?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:41
The continuing birth of Corbyns Labour as he does not want state visit for Trump.
While PrimeMinister is left floundering in Turkey on her special relationship with Trump and his bans on 7 Muslims countries.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:41
So now Corbyn is threatening to sack any frontbencher who doesnt vote for A50. Given that he had massive problems getting anyone to serve under him when he formed his Shadow Cabinet, if he sacks a few and a few resign are we going to see the UK's first 1 man Government in waiting?
And people thought that Screaming Lord Sutch was a skit on;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:41
Labour needs to win Stoke and Copeland. They might be straight into the shadow cabinet.