Ofsted closes Christian School
So in the interest of fairness and balance, Ofsted found a Christian school to close down.Apparently inspectors said it was an educational failure and said some children displayed ‘discriminatory views’ toward people of other faiths. A boy’s answer to the Muslim question apparently included a reference to terrorism.
So a few young people don't know the 'correct' answer to certain questions and probably base their answer on what they see on TV news?
I know some will write this off as 'Ukip bait' or 'typical Daily Mail' or lets 'abolish all religion', but this story is true.
Parents should be able to send their children to a Christian school if they chose, and to close it based on a few remarks is crazy.
Ofsted is just trying too hard....
Durham Free School shut down | Daily Mail Online the school was placed under special measures to address the problem and Ofsted found not enough was being done to address them. I don't see the problem here, unless we think compliance with Ofsted should be voluntary? They'll highlight areas of concern and the schools decide themselves whether they can be bothered to comply?
Kids subject to homophobic bullying should just suffer because doing anything about it would be PC gone mad? I take the DM's story with a pinch of salt ... utterly one-sided, from the biased POV of members of staff of that school and the general synod from what I could see, whilst it seems that the school has actually been an utter failure as many were expecting with Free Schools. Yup, the DM loaded the story right at the beginning. If I was an Ofsted inspector, the words ''Reflecting the love of God to children through education'' on the welcome board would be ringing alarm bells straight away. Whether it was Jehovah, Allah, Yahwey, or whoever L Ron Hubbard's lot worship. Definitely.
I am wondering why the alarm bells didn't ring earlier. ^^^ probably because Gove was still Ed Sec and he was singing its praises I hope the school was closed down because it was poorly performing in terms of normal education. (and I suspect it was).
I also hope it was not because girls of 11 couldn't give the inspectors full details of what lesbians get up to. Or how many gay friends you have or whether you think you are in the wrong body.
A special report on our schools by Tom Rawstorne | Daily Mail Online Blimey, enough of the daily mail links. 
Any links to reputable organisations or perhaps even the Ofsted report itself? @Cliff I would hope not, and I doubt that is an accurate report either 
EDit: Greg got there first.