Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:55
It was a Christian school, therefore nothing unusual with that welcome board. Does a cross on top of a church ring alarm bells?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:56
Here is another Daily Mail Link, suitably biased:
Lessons about gays will be compulsory from age of 11 | Daily Mail Online
It's an old one, but it does suggest that the girl should have had an inkling about what the inspectors were asking.
And also puts into perspective the homophobic DM stance on the whole issue.
"Pupils as young as 11 will be taught about homosexuality and civil partnerships in compulsory sex education classes."
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:56
The Daily Maul strikes again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:56
Most of all, I'd like to know if they were teaching creation as fact, or were disparaging of evolution in RE or biology lessons
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:56
There have been academies doing so, one on Teeside if I remember correctly.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:56
A church is a place of worship for the practitioners of faith.
A school is a place of education.
Whilst some see both a church and a school as a place of faith and education, I and others see an inherent conflict of interest and underlying flaws in methodology. (see below)
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:57
One ofsted report took only 2 minutes to find using google and not one look at a daily mail article - Ofsted | The Durham Free School
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:57
Well I never - I didn't know that.
It's quite all right because we live in a democracy. You don't have to send your kids to a Christian school if you don't want to. The choice is yours.
You and others who see flaws in Christian faith can always ignore it and go elsewhere. Nobody is stopping you. There is nothing holding you back, unlike those who are Christian and who seem to be facing hurdles which ever way they turn.
Easy targets, aren't they, these Christians. Keep plugging away though TB because all they do is turn the other cheek.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:57
1/3 of State schools are Christian faith schools. The geographic spread of Faith schools to non faith schools is not an equal distribution relative to their respective ratios.
Therefore, in some areas of the country, people don't have a choice between faith or non faith primary and secondary schools without having to add considerable travel.
If there is only a Tesco's in your small town, you could shop at Asda 15 miles away ... it's your choice.
Furthermore each and everyone has an investment in the future of our country which todays education systems are providing - that being the next generation of workers and leaders.
With or without children, tax payers contribute into that system and don't have a choice as to whether or not 1/3 of their contributions go to faith schools.
Christians don't have any more hurdles than any other citizen - only additional ones they create themselves do to their faith demands.
They are easy target's generally because like all faiths, their ideas and notions on the world and how it should be run with regards to a faith perspective is lacking in reason and facts by there very nature - and often contrary to facts and evidence.
Yet in a country where the Monarchy is still the head of state and church, where the house of Lords has unelected bishops able to vote and effect national politics ... I'd say they have quite an unfair advantage.
Or do you think it's 'democratic' to have one religion with special privileges ?
.... but no it's just those nasty militant secularists having a pop at the innocent and nice Christians again.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:57
Thanks. Actually if you read the report, some of the conclusions must have been based on a certain line of questioning- which the daily mail has covered and I would be the first to acknowledge that it is written with their own bias. But the article does uncover some uncomfortable Ofsted ideas about what is supposed to be taught with regard to sex, same gender sex and other faiths.
I don't know whether this is due to the fear that they could be accused of not being even handed at when comparing Muslim schools to Christian schools? #
Looking at the report, it confirms my suspicions that it should be closed on educational grounds.
However, I disagree with some of the posts here, because it appearsa ' religious school ' brings up a red light and therefore should be closed. I hope those same posters feel the same way about Islamic schools as well.