Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:57
Considering the issues of high levels of teenage pregnancies and UK population overcrowding, you'd think as much sex education as possible was the best option.
I'd certainly like to see all State schools run on a secular basis if not all UK education establishments.
However, with regards to the 'red flag/light' going up with religious schools, it's not necessarily about shutting them down just because they are religious.
It's more a reaction to the fact that since Academies and free schools were brought in, there were a number of worries that proved to be justified.
Those being that there were some schools teaching creationism as fact and being selective on how they taught science.
As far as I am aware and understand it, it is to that effect that posters are referring to a 'red flag'.
ie Problem religious school - red flag - it's not one of 'those creationist/orthodox/denialist' schools is it !
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:58
Except there is no suggestion this school had any crazy ideas from either Ofsted or DM
That's old fashion straight sex! i.e. making baby sex. The children were marked down on not being au fait with other variations of sex.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:58
1 although agreeing at first to the peace plan, they soon began to back-pedal: change one's mind, change one's opinion, go into reverse, do an about-face, do a U-turn, row back, shift one's ground, sing a different song, have second thoughts, reconsider, climb down; Brit. do an about-turn.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:58
But my outrage is because of the other reasons I have mentioned. That is the issue and why we are discussing it.
If it was closed just because it was a bad school - we would all agree and there would be nothing to discuss -- right?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:58
There is the underlying implication by the Mail that it is wrong to teach 11 year olds that gay people exist and have sex.Now I wouldn't want them to go into any great detail in a Sex education class, but I would like to think that all 11 year olds are aware that not everyone is heterosexual.But otherwise I agree with your final statement.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:59
I didn't say there was, merely that when someone mentions a problem at a religious school.... a 'red flag' goes up because I and I think others have the 'is this one of those creationist schools' thought.
To make better, more well rounded, less prejudiced and better informed citizens, teaching them about sex, safe sex and the facts about sexual preferences is very important.
It might help reduce the cases of 'queer bashing' both verbally and physically that exist in our society.
When someone gets murdered by a gang of young thugs just because he is gay, it does bring into question what contribution to the crime is in the hands of those religions that say homosexually is wrong ?
How much was down to a lack of education on sexual equality and what is normal ?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:59
They will be taught that when they are older.
I'll leave you with this as I don't think there is much more for me to say.
Ten-year-old Grindon Hall pupil Ariella Wilkinson was left in tears. Her mother Lena, 46, says: ‘The questioning was completely inappropriate. They asked her what lesbians were, and whether she felt trapped in someone else’s body. She said she didn’t want to talk about it, because she was embarrassed.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:59
That's what a reporter has said the mother said the child has said.
I seriously doubt an ofsted inspector would ask whether a child had any transgender feelings - if they did, they should be sacked.
Nothing wrong with asking if they knew what a lesbian is unless you feel there is something inherently wrong with knowing that two women can love or have feelings for each other just like a man and a woman can.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:59
Ofsted merely reflects what Government Policy is at the time. Gove ruled with an Iron Fist, his replacement not so much thus Ofsted have become much more critical again. Children should be given all the facts about life, sex, relationships and so on. I know people want to wrap children up in cotton wool and not talk about those things, but given the potential dangers children face we are doing them a disservice.
Doesn't matter what the religion is, Ofsted need to inspect schools in a critical fashion. Upsetting parents or religious people is not something to concerned about. School is about one thing - Giving children the necessary skills to survive and thrive in the adult world.
If you read the report, you'll see that the teaching appears to be quite inadequate and pupil behaviour doesn't seem to be that good either. Which is perhaps a failure of the academic management of the school rather anything to do with religion. I think it's time Religions were removed from running schools entirely. Doesn't mean they can't get involved in Schools to give children a spiritual outlook on life. I just think it's time to go the secular route in Education. My first two schools were pretty good (both C of E), RE covered a lot of different religions. But my last school was a joint C of E and Catholic School, RE was firmly focused on the Catholic faith. Even for the Muslim kids. I'm glad that school was bulldozed (C of E and Catholic church fell out). Though the Catholic Church has got it's own school now (which is what they wanted all along), having looked at the ofsted reports it appears to be just as bad as the School I went to.
Children need to be taught about relationships just as much as they need to be taught about sex and contraception. Plus they need to be made aware of what grooming is and how to report it to the police if it happens to them or friends.
You can shield children as much as you want, but once they become teenagers given the raging hormones they will end up making some mistakes and engaging in risky behaviour. Which is not helped if they learn about sex etc off the internet.
Tbh reading the report, this was more about the educational failings rather than the religion. The daily mail spun it to make it look like Ofsted have been overly critical because it's a Christian school. The Schools academic leadership failed.
It's a school with academic problems, red flagged by the Daily Mail just because it happens to be a Christian School. I'm sure if I had the time and went through various ofsted reports I'd probably find ones just as critical at Jewish faith schools or Islamic ones and those that are secular.
As for creationism ? Fine for Religious Education, but not in Science. Though Children should be allowed to debate both and make up their own minds based on the evidence.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:59
there is no debate between creation and evolution, one is firmly proven, one has absolutely no evidence whatsoever
- allowing the opportunity to debate it has enabled these maniacs to flourish, the mistake Bill Nye made with Ken Ham