The Chilcot Report
Nope not out yet. That's not till after the referendum.Chilcot: MoD and Army too slow on Snatch Land Rovers
Revealed: British Army resisted replacing Land Rovers dubbed 'mobile coffins' by troops
And note there is a book involved. Iraq Inquiry: Chilcot says 'careful analysis needed before war' - BBC News
The main lesson of the UK's role in the Iraq War is that careful analysis is needed before military action can be sanctioned, Sir John Chilcot has said.
His long-awaited report into the 2003 conflict is to be published on Wednesday - more than seven years after the official Iraq Inquiry began.
The report extends to 12 volumes and is 2.6 million words long.
They're right about the Snatch Landrovers, down to a few people being bloody minded. Will be an interesting day tomorrow and I'm not going to lay blame as I was convinced at the time . If though the nation was really deceived then action should be taken. I believe this report will focus on the aftermath though and the poor planning post invasion for a future democracy that was unfit for purpose in this part of the world. Some parts of the world need a strong arm and not good intentions I'm afraid. Poor equipment for our troops should of been addressed at the time of the conflict , not now it's over . No use to those that lost their lives because of it now is it , you need change whilst taking place not after the taking place . To little to late for mostthat lost family and friends. The journalists have 3 hours to read this at 240 words a second. Well I do hope they have more than one reading then  then compare notes . I shouldn't joke about this as it is more important than the brexit/remain vote we are all bleating on about as how it could cost us financially.This is about lost lives on all sides on what might be an illegalprocess that led to said war . Publish it in whole with no journalistic comment , then we can make our own minds up The full report will be here.
Iraq Inquiry
Iraq Inquiry: What is the Chilcot report and why does it matter? - BBC News
Sir John Chilcot will make a statement on 6 July in which he will outline the main findings of the report and the lessons learned. He is not expected to take questions. Once he has finished speaking the full report will be released on the Iraq Inquiry website. What time is Chilcot making his main findings tomorrow.I seem to have missed it, or cant find it.