Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:42

You agree with the defacing of Winston Churchill?


krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:43

Okay, it's been a good 40ish minutes. No, just cocking a snook after a rather predictable post which was clearly intended to rile up like minds. Although the image of the grass mohican did amuse me at the time, I'd be lying if I said it didn't, as would many others. I don't condone such activity.

I see Marv likes the "South Will Rise Again" General Lee meme. They sure love using the same Eric Blair quote again and again and again.

EDIT ... just pretend it's here, as I can't find a meme where someone like Tony the Tiger says something like Memes with literary quotes are grrreat

Marv Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:44

Your mention of the General Lee reminded me of this beauty,

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:45

I just image searched your new avatar Marv, and found it's from this ...
The Pakistani Christians Who Worship Nigel FarageThat has made my day - it's fudgeing hilarious! 






Marv Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:46

I know!! lol. I thought it was too good to miss when i first saw it.

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:47

It gets better - the lunatics are going after Lee's horse now. Well it isn't actually Lee's horse but the mascot of University of Southern California, but the poor old nag has the same name (well not quite..)

These Liberals really need to get a life. 

USC mascot comes under fire for supposed ties to Robert E. Lee

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:48

Utter non-story as the link pretty much reveals. Nothing to do with liberals or whatever buzzword Fox News is going with this week - where the left, alt-left (made up and pushed by Fox News), liberals, antifa, and critics of their beloved pussy grabbing piss play enthusiast, are just one homogeneous group.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:48

"The Lardwonks and Froobits loved fighting and war,
they gave medals and trophies and so so much more.
to the Lardwonks and Froobits that fought hard and most,
they built huge towering statues to honour and boast.

The Lardwonks and Froobits searched high and searched low
to find Fluffwigs and Ruppins, whom they liked to show
how strong and how tough the Lardwonks could be
by throwing Fluffwigs and Ruppins into the sea.

The Fluffwigs and Ruppins did not like to fight,
and could not stop the the Lardwonks, try as they might.
The Froobits were to fast and to cunning by miles
Running and hiding just gave them wide smiles.

When the Boombangs and Yogmols turned up for a scrap
The lardwonks and Froobits missed spotting the trap.
For the Fluffwigs and Ruppins had called on their friends
to make the Lardwonks and Froobits pay their amends.

Fighting and warring takes it's toll you will see
and the Lardwonks and Froobits did not like to flee.
Boombangs and Yogmols hate bullies and thugs
and the Lardwonks and Froobits got punched in their mugs.

Refusing to run and holding their ground,
the Lardwonks and Froobits were beaten quite sound.
The Larwonks and Froobits who's honor now gone,
died from the shame of their loosing, every last one.

The Fluffwigs and Ruppins took over their lands,
pulled down the war statues and burried them in sand.
The Boombangs and Yogmols were worried by this,
what of history and lessons to learn that you'll miss ?

In answer the Fluffwigs and Ruppins did solomley reply,
we can't forget the Lardonks or Froobits as much as we try.   
We aren't rewriting history or rewrighting our books,
just changing the way our new peaceful land looks.

We still teach it in schools and still learn our lessons
Just not a daily reminder of the fears and oppressions.
We want our children to learn and know of the past,
but to celebrate peace which is here now at last."

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:49

They are just one homogenous group in the same way at the alt-right, KKK, White Supremacy etc etc are just one homogenous group.

Anyway I was glad to see that normal service was resumed yesterday - the Free Speech Rally in Boston passed off without any trouble and the Liberals demonstrating against it violently attacked the Police with 33;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:53:50

Boston ‘free speech’ rally ends early amid flood of counterprotesters; 27 people arrested

'Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage. Evans added that three individuals were wearing ballistics vests, one of whom was later found to be armed. It is unclear if those three are among the arrests.
Evans said there were three groups of people in attendance: attendees of the “free speech” rally, counter protesters, and a small group of people who showed up to cause trouble.'

“Overall everyone did a good job,” Evans said. “99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.”

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh met up with the counterprotesters at the march.

“I think it’s clear today that Boston stood for peace and love, not bigotry and hate,” he said.
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