rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:32


Because spending £1bn is exactly the same as spending £50bn and borrowing a further £250bn

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:32

Already happened  Welsh have already calculated they want 1.7 billion  And "thin end of the wedge" and "magic money tree" were in the News yesterday 

Werewolfs Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:32

Neither do I. Which is why I don't defend labour by bringing up examples of Tory wrongdoing.

Two wrongs don't make the current wrongdoing any more justifiable.

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:33

Others do though, the fanboys are as bad as each other 

Goooner Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:33

But it isn't "wrong" to do political deals with other parties.

This is no different than the 2010 coalition deal. Or any of the deals back in the 70s.

Two democratically elected sets of representatives are perfectly entitled to come to an arrangement.

michaelkenward Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:33

My problem is the money aspect of the deal. How can they suddenly offer £1B extra. £1B.We have been constantly told time and again there is no money. Its going to good causes. So the police/NHS/fire brigade etc were not good enough causes to find this money over the last few years. Would the people on here opposed to tax rises be happy to have a tax rise to keep JC out? It just seems so hypocritical.

Different world back in the 70s (love thy neighbour was still on the telly)

mij Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:33

I just wondered because the government seems to be able to find money to spend on armaments, a massive aircraft carrier and now a bung for the DUP. What do we get in return for it?If it was solely for the benefit of the Government then surely it should have tapped its supporters for the money and not expect us taxpayers, most of whom do not support it, to contribute towards it.The Tory party, after all, has many very wealthy friends .
Maybe someone should remind May of the occasion she patronisingly told a nurse who had not had an increase in her salary that kept up with inflation for years, that there is no such thing as a money tree.It seems that bungs guns and warships do create such trees

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:33

Didn't the warship safeguard/create 10000 jobs or something?

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:34

In many countries coalition governments are the norm. They are based on all manner of deals.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:50:34

I'm happy for the Tories to destroy another party that helps to keep Labour out of power as they previously did with the Lib Dems.I bet the DUP voters are thrilled to be Conservatives.

The real shame is that they didn't do a deal with the SNP as that would of helped Labour much more in the long run whereas this deal will probably result in a united Ireland which will be a good thing imho.
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