Budget 2017 Wish List
So with Spreadsheet Phil about to dust off his budget box, which measures would you most like to see? Personally I'd go for:1) Scrap Stamp Duty for FTBs
2) Freeze on all benefit payments
3) Maintain Public Sector 1% pay cap
4) Bring forward £12,500 Personal Allowance to now
5) Increase tax on tobacco by 50%
6) Introduce new Tattoo tax @ £10 per square inch covered (not retrospective)
No, I haven't had it fully costed out by the OBR, but it looks fairly balanced to me. I'd like to see some serious money being spent on preparations for a no-deal exit. Double the size of HMRC's computer system, start employing and training more Customs agents etc. etc. If they want to incentivise people into going Electric, spend some money on a decent (subsidised?) national charging network. And stop persecuting people* for owning a 20 year old diesel, who probably can't afford anything newer.
* I do not own a 20 year old diesel  Get rid of all tax credits; working, child etc...Say give it 10 months to start so nobody can claim 'poverty' that they were expecting it, and let it just die out for those who were already in position.
Let's end the dependency on the state...
I'd also like to see an increase in benefits based around 70% of your average income over the previous 4 years; but for a maximum of just 18 months. Then it needs to go down, seriously down.  number 6, or make it £1000. Ban buy-to-lets, massive housebuilding program and reverse legislation concerning bank lending for mortgages. Bring in new legislation for tenant landlord right/duties, longer contracts, bring rentals inline with modern building regulations/specs and allow tenants more flexibility in decorations and furnishings, promote a sense of shared ownership rather than the current model of them/us. That's a manifesto not a budget 
But hell. yeah I'd vote for it  I’m sorry but I can’t agree on the tattoo tax. Haven’t got any myself but some can be very tasteful. They can?  I'd withhold any type of benefit from anyone with a tattoo. If you can afford to make yourself look like a chav, you should be able to afford to feed your children.