kilvil Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:53

Subtle how you imply that we are not already doing the former.

I had a look back to the thread when Remploy was closed.

Remploy Closes

You must be pleased with how things have improved since 2013?​Others also don't get off lightly and have significant egg on their faces.

600k additional disabled people in work.I'm sure TB and LGS would take this opportunity to congratulate the government for doing such a great job.​

kilvil Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:54

Dragging up what people said 5 years ago is a bit pointless as attitudes do change.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:55

I only asked one question, in the hope we could get the thread back on track...

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:56

You asked your question and in response, Dejongj asked another, although I suspect it was meant somewhat rhetorically.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:57

it should be noted that the 600k disabled people back in work would still be eligible for the benifits.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:58

Yes. But not as much.

You think it will cost the taxpayer more to have 600k disabled people working than not?

You think it will be better for them to be at home? There are countless studies showing the health benefits of being at work.

It's also good for society to have disabled people out in the workforce. TB makes a regular point that the disabled are demonised. What better way to counter that than having them out there making a contribution?

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:59

yes but the argument that the goverment are getting disabled people back to work in order to cut disability payments is not true. yes JSA and IS will be cut but the carers allowance and mobility allowance will stay the same.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:30:00

Getting a grip means to admit the welfare reforms haven't worked and starting from scratch. She doesn't have the numbers in Parliament to do that and even if she did I doubt she would. She is completely and utterly swamped by Brexit. One misstep means the end of her time as PM in a rather rapid fashion.

If you really want to help people out of welfare and into work ? Then you have to address the barriers people face and that means spending money and addressing long standing issues governments have kicked into the long grass. With mental health you need to have a properly funded NHS Mental Health Care system, alongside schemes that help people to recover or in the worst cases to function. That's the side of mental health people don't really see all too often. It's crippling and you may have no idea when it's going to hit.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:30:01

600k additional disabled people in work....

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:30:02

That's a blanket statement that doesn't get into the specifics of each of those 600k disabled people in work. What are the disabilities, what measures have employers taken to enable them to work and crucially how many receive in work benefits and how many pass the threshold for taxation. All you do is spout a number but don't ask detailed questions. And the final question how has being in work improved disabled people's quality of life or has it decreased quality of life due to the stresses and strains of work impacting on disabled people's physical and mental health.

Of course you'll continue to bark "600k disabled people in work" and not look at it any more detail than that. Again I hope you don't require the help of the DWP due illness or accident as once the DWP decides your contributions are used up, you get treated like everybody else.

The double whammy on the mentally ill continues (certain mental health conditions are classed as disabilities), from the broken welfare system to underfunded NHS Mental Health Services. Of which I have direct experiences of. Smoke and mirrors on the funding of NHS Mental Health Services -
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