Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:19
Ah, thanks, I thought we might be talking at cross purposes 
DWP = bad
Claimants getting more money = good 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:20
"Clearly inferred".
He can something inferred be clear?
It's like the blatant implied demonisation in earlier posts.
You cannot substantiate the government have been demonising the sick and disabled without resorting to mental gymnastics.
So I'll continue to rely on their explicit actions and statements of support that are clearly documented, not inferred, which I provided in an earlier post.
600k additional jobs, increased protection against discrimination, good job Tories.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:21
I’m inferring a trend here 
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:22
The point of the review is that it highlights serious policy mistakes instigated by the government, caused by political agenda and financial constraints.
As the time the government ignored the advice from their own experts and it required the weight of the law from the High Court to force the government to set up a review.
The review (reassessment) is a good thing - although very expensive and a waste of human resource - but what a bungled way of doing things.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:23
"even if I did spend many hours and managed to provide several quotes or press releases that suitably backed up my argument, I seriously doubt it would change the opinion of those choosing to believe what your argument suggests in the slightest."
You and Dejongj might well be suited to apply for the next vacancy at the White House Press, they are constantly in need of new 'true believer' types that'll either swallow what ever they get fed or be so idealogicaly skewed as to believe the end justifies the means 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:24
The trend I see is one of many people expressing their experiences and views on the DWP/Government policy and actions which have been ruled in a court of law to be illegal and discriminatory.
The trend tends to be the majority calling out the DWP and the Government for it's failures and actions, while a minority try to defend the indefensible because it goes counter to their own political ideologies.
Most people found it disgusting and reprehensible that Iain Duncan Smith refused to provide information on the number of people who had been ruled fit to work yet died within a year, especially since he openly lied in parliament declaring that the information didn't exist, because it didn't support his own ideological agenda.
There are those who are willing to ignore, dismiss or accept the pain and suffering of others as justifiable collatoral if it means being able to plough on with ideological changes they believe will be for the best in the end.
Even when time and time again, those ideological changes end up merely making the situation worse both economically and socially, they refuse to accept that it is a flaw in their ideology. True believers convince themselves that it's merely the fault of poor implementation, not being tough enough or external forces like the socialists and bleeding heart liberals undermining everything that made it fail.
Why do true believers convince themselves so easily ? because they are emotionally and personally invested in their beliefs to the point of making sense of the world, their own value, worth and quality both individually and as a measure of their moral status.
Very few people want to feel like or especially be thought of as an arsehole, so it's unsurprising how far many people will go to convince themselves that their actions, beliefs and how that has potentially effected their interactions and judgments of others are justified, good and morally sound.
It's like complaining about how the chap down the road is disgusting, antisocial and uncaring because his house was painted bright pink and stood out like a sore thumb, that his garden was always a mess and he never picked up the litter that was clearly all over the place ..... then finding out he was a blind veteran who won medals for bravery, his wife had died and he didn't know his house was painted pink, couldn't see the rubbish and everyone was too snobbish and cruel to bother talking to him, prefering to just complain about him to each other.
Not many people would want to admit they were wrong and cruel, so they just convince themselves that it wasn't their fault, the council or someone should have done something about it, probably due to a lack of funding because they spent too much money tarting up that council estate and providing services to immigrants from 'our' council tax.....
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:24
Oh come TB is that really necessary? I really don’t fancy a petty argument so I’m going to let you get away with that dig. But come on, grow up dude.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:25
Maybe, just maybe, if government and DWP policy hadn't made my situation and health worse, caused me unnecesary suffering and stress and reducing the amount of help and support available to me, I might not along with many, many others*, take offense to being told how good a job the government is doing**.
* The amount of testimonials, court cases, tribunals, news articles etc all testify to the significant amount of people with serious issues with how they have and are being treated by the current system.
** select commitee reports, reviews, court cases, testimonials, charity organisations, the UN all say the government has done a bad job, ignoring both the law and expert advice that has led to uneccessary suffering and a large waste of money.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:25
I think the only true believer is the one who has no evidence to substantiate their claims.
I've given my links and evidence. All you've given is that a bunch of other people say stuff, but it's the government's fault.
It's all clearly inferred and blatantly implied, apparently.
I expected better from someone who usually has at least some factual basis for their posts.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:29:26
I don't want to detract from Toko's experiences which sound really bad. But this does not mean there aren't people who are claiming fraudulently.
Personally, in my circle of acquaintances, I know two people who are playing the system, and one family who is genuinely receiving a lot of help for their son.
I particularly take issue with the friend who has a fully fitted disabled car, but her husband always drives it.. Why not provide a standard car for free?