Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:03

From the man himself 

Interesting how he doesn’t confirm nor deny. Simple yes or no Jeremy and this will go away.

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:03

He's a good front man but, alas, he's no musician.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:03

And for those who are like Corbyn (seems to be) in denial that this is actually true. There is some compelling journalistic evidence that this did happen.

Jeremy Corbyn had 'active supply' of info on British secret service for spies

So, I'm sorry @tapzilla2k whoever your source is, is telling porkies 

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:03

I used the term regarding people like Michael Foot who was taking money from the KGB. There is no evidence he was "colluding" though I've also yet to see him say what he was doing.
Were you employed by HM Forces government, armed forces? Were your trips officially sanctioned? Did you know anything useful to communist Russia or likely to know? Defence vetted? What?
Yeah because we've all had numerous meetings with Eastern bloc spies during the Cold War. We've all been there.

The left wing crowd keep coming out with more embarrassment and then denying everything or saying sorry, while accusing anyone on the right. Usual hypocrisy.

Witness Lucy Cox MP. A Labour MP defending St Brendan of Cox, while the left were previously going after the tweets from Toby Young.

Check out @LucyMPowell’s Tweet: Lucy Powell MP on Twitter

It's wrong for tweets to made years ago but a guy exposed for grabbing a woman by the throat and using "inappropriate" language is fine as long as you say sorry, once exposed.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:03

Well that video was more of a party political broadcast than addressing the issue. Not good enough... blame the papers... No facts from his side on the meetings..Big mistake... even the BBC will be forced to look at this story again...

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:04

Where is Enki to defend his man?  

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:05

Totally agreed, although I think he is playing it clever in a way...I spend 6 hours in the car unfortunately and as I do was listening to LBC a lot. He has got a lot of supporters regarding this. This really seems to be a case of any news is good news...

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:06

Pretty sure anyone in intelligence will tell you they don't know everything. You do also realise we had high level spies in the intelligence services during the Cold War spying for Russia? If they couldn't look after themself...

Which an MP can provide. Are you an expert on the intelligence services?
They could. I'd hope they didn't. Why would someone take it on themselves to arrange multiple meetings with an Eastern bloc spy? Or members of the IRA? Hamas? Hezbollah? Islamists?
Nope. I'm doing the same as usual. "Not surprised he'd cosy up to our enemies." That's it.
Most were patriots. Some would nuke our enemies till they glowed.Let's face it. He could be filmed drowning kittens and you'd say "they were probably just thirsty and he was giving them a drink. Nothing to see."
It's quite possible his enemies in the Labour party kicked it off as part of getting rid of him before the next election. At the moment they are saddled with someone 50 seats short of a win but not bad enough to get rid of.

Besides didn't this start with Mr Sarcozy? Did he approach The Sun? The Sun approach him? What? Mr Sarcozy may have gone to The Sun and doesn't care when the next election is.

The media ran with it afterwards but you can't say the leader of the opposition and his meets with a spy during the Cold War isn't news.

Corbyn: Spy stories show press is worried by Labour government - Corbyn attacks press over spy 'smears'

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:07

The best bit in my experience is flying out of Russia. The BA pilot says over the tannoy: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have now left Soviet airspace."

The passengers loudly clap and cheer with relief and joy.

...It's one of those life experiences.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:08

I had the same when leaving Afghan etc.
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