Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:00
No as I was talking about colluding with those who were our enemies at the height of the Cold War. A regime responsible for Gulags, religious persecution, near slavery and the deaths of millions.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:01
I assume Corbyn hung out with MPs in the Commons. He'd know who was a gambling addict, who was an alcoholic, who was married but sleeping with guys, who was taking drugs, who was near bankruptcy. All a potential for blackmail or money.
All sorts of juicy titbits that could be picked up in the Commons, and especially in the late-night bars.
And if Corbyn himself took some money or passed anything on then he too, would be susceptible to future pressure and blackmail.
Efficient intelligence services tend to take a long view of things. Some of those MPs end up as defence secretary etc.
Has he said anywhere, anywhere, what the meetings were about?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:01
Never heard of the TBG before,but it seems Mogg attended one dinner and then distanced himself from them when he found out what they stood for.More #EnkiNews
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:01
No secret I’m no fan of Corbyn, however I don’t particularly see anything of concern here. He is just being himself, doesn’t choose his “friends” particularly well. But highly unlikely he actually was of any use. Actually he still isn’t of any use 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:01
Which is information the party whips would already know, as would the intelligence services who likely kept an eye on vulnerable politicians in the Commons and the Lords.
Which is basically gossip which might be true or might well be malicious gossip. Soviets would only be interested in verifiable facts that could lead them to gaining assets. Also anyone in those commons bars could over hear the gossip and feed it to journalists or indeed soviet or US spies.
You are making Corbyn out to be some mastermind, when you've spent the last couple of years deriding his leadership of the Labour Party.
The same can be true of any MP from that era. Some of whom still sit in the commons. The whips use dirt on MP's to ensure they vote along party lines. Corbyn rebelled numerous times against the Party Whip, so either he was so low on the food chain he wasn't worth feeding info to the press or there is barely any dirt on him at all. Which would be a miracle for a Politician.
Yeah or they ignore Politicians who would be very unlikely to get very far in a political party. Two things went right for Corbyn in the leadership election -
1. Some Labour MP's thought there should be a left wing candidate on the ballot, Corbyn eventually decided to be that candidate, and he got the necessary votes.
2. The Labour Membership wanting a change went for Corbyn, plus the pile on from those wanting to destroy the Labour Party.
Besides anything the Soviets/Russians know, our Intelligence Services will also know. I doubt Putin cares all that much about Corbyn, unless he becomes PM. It suits Putin to have the Tories in power as the London property market is a good way to dodge tax and launder money. Things Corbyn if he's true to his word will attempt to end.
No and unless there is verifiable evidence he's been upto no good, I don't believe he has to answer those questions, unless he wants to face the allegations head on. All we've got is recycled claims from a source who is at best unreliable.
Again the question to ask - why are these allegations being thrown around the right wing press, when logically they'd have been way more damaging in the General Election ? Something is afoot and I very much doubt that it has anything to do with Corbyn being a mastermind informant to the Soviet Union.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:01
No he wasn't.
Neither does anyone else 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:02
You used the word 'colluding'. Is there any evidence that he was 'colluding'?
I suppose my short visits to Moscow in the 1980s means I was 'colluding' with our 'enemies' at the height of the cold war. Same with the thousands of British people who visited various 'iron curtain' countries during the cold war were also 'colluding' during their business trips.
This is yet another Jeremy Corbyn smear campaign which will throw him into the limelight yet again - and he will come out smelling of roses (get it?). The media and right-wing crowd never seem to learn.
A non-story.
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:02
I wonder what Jeremy and his supporters would have to say if this was a Theresa Maynon story? 
There's probably nothing in the story itself, but you never can tell and this coupled with his IRA connection suggest the game is now up for the possibility of Jeremy Comrade ever becoming UK PM.
He's had a good run so far but nobody's luck lasts forever, in all reality he really should have quit after he 'won' the last election. That was as good as it gets for Jeremy Corbyn (hence his 'we all know who won' interview) and it's downhill all the way from here onwards.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:02
If the Guardian's reporting is accurate, this has been one big smear campaign against Corbyn based on nothing but hot air. From the last paragraph in the article -
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:02
Yes I heard a translated Stasi archive administrator talk specifically about Corbyn that his file exists.
In fact they went to the detail explaining the reference number significance which indicated that he wasn’t a turned agent.
Knowing a little about that world that doesn’t mean anything either way except confirmation that it exists. So does it or doesn’t it?
Ps. I was out there as well, heck even this year and met up with what could be described as PEPs. I’m sure there is a file on me as well. And when I was working for the government we did have to declare our travel even when it wasn’t on the bosses time.
But oddly I’m quite open about that. So why isn’t Corbyn.He is creating interest where there shouldn’t be any. I guess any news is good news.