Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:51

Actually no, it is not guess work. The evidence has been provided and link to already.

sneakyweeone Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:52

"the bodies that maintain the archives of the East German and the Czechoslovakian security services have said there is no mention of Corbyn as an active agent in their files"

From the guardian. This a non story really.

The bigger story is the disgraceful slander by a Tory MP of selling secrets. It's outrageous.

I'm not even a corbyn supporter!

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:53

Yet the files are there with his name on it  And I've heard a recording from the Czech services as well. However you make a minute distinction in this conversation, I hope you realise yourself what it is 

sneakyweeone Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:54

I would have thought there are files for every MP somewhere in whatever eastern bloc country at the time. That's what they did? Even worse our secret services will have similar files.

Did he tell them the Queen had corgis or something?

So what is your take on a senior MP making up complete lies?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:55

If POTUS can Tweet lies and utter bollocks, maybe it's catching on 

sneakyweeone Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:56

Looks like it.

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:57

I guess we'll know for sure on Monday whether or not Jeremy Corbyn would sell his own country for personal gain. 

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:57

The Ben Bradley apology in full:

“On 19 February 2018 I made a seriously defamatory statement on my Twitter account, ‘Ben Bradley MP (bbradleymp)’, about Jeremy Corbyn, alleging he sold British secrets to communist spies. I have since deleted the defamatory tweet. I have agreed to pay an undisclosed substantial sum of money to a charity of his choice, and I will also pay his legal costs.

“I fully accept that my statement was wholly untrue and false. I accept that I caused distress and upset to Jeremy Corbyn by my untrue and false allegations, suggesting he had betrayed his country by collaborating with foreign spies.

“I am very sorry for publishing this untrue and false statement and I have no hesitation in offering my unreserved and unconditional apology to Jeremy Corbyn for the distress I have caused him.”

38,000 retweets mean this has been seen by more people than the original smear did, hugely backfiring and given us a Tory figure even more embarrassing than Bojo.

What is it with the Tories, and the media, doing more to increase Corbyn's popularity than he ever deserves? If he'd been left alone last year we wouldn't have the current shambles of a government (although that's probably over egging TM's ability to be anything other than a shambles, even with a majority) and he'd likely be yesterday's news.

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 02:27:58

Have you ever considered that young Ben Bradley has performed his role perfectly?

He's even managed to repeat the allegation twice within the apology itself, which has now been re-tweeted 38,000 times getting more publicity than the original tweet! 

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:28:00

No, he's fallen into the same trap as everyone seems to with Corbyn. The man's like Tefal in all the attempted character assassinations. They'll literally need a photo of him handing over a folder titled 'government secrets' for any hint of this harming him.
The more he's smeared the more popular he gets. It's not like it's a new thing, yet they keep on doing it over and over again. According to some it's the definition of insanity, an apt description of British politics it seems.
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