I used the term regarding people like Michael Foot who was taking money from the KGB. There is no evidence he was "colluding" though I've also yet to see him say what he was doing.
Were you employed by HM Forces government, armed forces? Were your trips officially sanctioned? Did you know anything useful to communist Russia or likely to know? Defence vetted? What?
Yeah because we've all had numerous meetings with Eastern bloc spies during the Cold War. We've all been there.
The left wing crowd keep coming out with more embarrassment and then denying everything or saying sorry, while accusing anyone on the right. Usual hypocrisy.
Witness Lucy Cox MP. A Labour MP defending St Brendan of Cox, while the left were previously going after the tweets from Toby Young.
Check out @LucyMPowell’s Tweet: Lucy Powell MP on Twitter
It's wrong for tweets to made years ago but a guy exposed for grabbing a woman by the throat and using "inappropriate" language is fine as long as you say sorry, once exposed. |