Jeremy Hunt, new Health Secretary, supports homeopathy
Jeremy Hunt, the new Health Secretary, supports homeopathy:Early day motion 1240 - NHS HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITALS - UK Parliament
As I've said before, so much for the enlightenment. What can we expect next? Witchcraft hospitals?
And so does Nick Clegg, Vince Cable and Dianne Abbott!
I believe George Osborne believes in the tooth fairy.
// Do they mean Homeopathy or alternative treatments ? I thought Homeopathy was given the red card years ago ? Again you see, taxpayer funding, this is exactly what we end up with. It endorses medicines and they are then free to raise the price of treatment. There are practices I would support but certainly not tax payer funded otherwise it's funding a growing quack culture. Endorse it if it's got real medical evidence of success, but leave it private. Homeopathy. If it's got real medical evidence, it's called science. Just because the way it was worded implied a broader base:
That this House welcomes the positive contribution made to the health of the nation by the NHS homeopathic hospitals; notes that some six million people use complementary treatments each year; believes that complementary medicine has the potential to offer clinically-effective and cost-effective solutions to common health problems faced by NHS patients, including chronic difficult to treat conditions such as musculoskeletal and other chronic pain, eczema, depression, anxiety and insomnia, allergy, chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome; expresses concern that NHS cuts are threatening the future of these hospitals; and calls on the Government actively to support these valuable national assets.
Hmmm Assets. Forget that motion, the Sci & Tech committee later recommended no more NHS funding, but when Lansley took office he reversed the decision, after lobbying from Prince Charles who doesn't know how to  off out of politics Well, of course it does - "We support homeopathy and are against the millions starving in africa", or whatever. So everybody goes, "Yes - I'm against people starving in africa too". Job done.
But had you said "how about redirecting our precious NHS resources to unscientific quackery and charlatans" and then everyone would say "no way, José!". I still think it speaks volumes about Hunt's lack of suitability for the role as Health Secretary, and Cameron's continued misjudgement. Cameron = man of straw.
Which ever way the wind blows and whoever is whispering in his ear at the time.
Time for a change of leadership and a major cabinet reshuffle (if you know what I mean). Frankie Boyle @frankieboyle
Seems strange that Jeremy Hunt is getting a hard time for believing in homeopathy. The Education Secretary believes in God.
sums it up for me.
i will never vote for someone who believes in fairies.