Publish time 26-11-2019 02:24:59
That smacks a bit of front page sensationalism. Where is the rest of the story. I'm inclined to agree with a few of these myself such as the NHS, climate change subsidies, allowing businesses to discriminate as long as they do that overtly using big signs so everyone knows the score, because otherwise they will discriminate anyway so let's have it up front .
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:00
It's being widely reported in the press that he is against hybrid stem cell research, but they all seem to source it from each other.It possibly comes from Labour MP Angela Smith's tweet, where she says he voted against it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:00
He's a bit weird. I think he is possibly a prototype of Ash. Later on they will give him a brain and then the screaming, crying and murdering will begin.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:00
dont forget the bleeding of milk 
anyway, i have a vested interest in stem cells as my father has parkinsons. anyone against stem cells is just a moron. it is the future of curing illnesses such as parkinsons and dementia.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:00
Well it's no surprise that he is against it, because cybernetic life forms don't benefit. I'm told Murdoch was the chief supervisor from Westworld.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:01
Dumb & Dumber are still at it ...
- Charles in NHS homeopathy row: Prince holds secret meeting with Health Secretary to lobby for treatment denounced by top doctors as 'witchcraft' | Mail Online
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:01
Not the least bit surprising. Charles will probably be a disaster as King if he continues to interfere with the democratic process in a blatant manner (the Queen is a lot more subtle about it). Though If you remove the Monarchy and deconstruct the Old boy's Network then we might actually turn this sinking ship around.
You'd just increase the pressure on the NHS to provide treatment for smoking related diseases. Of course some would say ban tobacco and legalize weed and tax that instead. Which would really get the Daily Mail frothing at the mouth.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:01
Because it's the Monarchy and the Old Boy's Network that caused a decade of overspending, and which refuse to face up to an economy that is still spending £120bn more than it earns??
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:01
Funnily enough I support homeopathy.Not because it works (it doesn't, as such) but because some people believe it works.And one of the most effective remedies known, for many ailmens, is the placebo effect.
If someone believs that the treatment they are receiving helps them, then quite often there is a noticeable effect.
And, it's cheap.
So, if someone is determined to have homeopathic treatment, and they understand the consequences, then why not?
If conventional medicine has failed them, then why not?
If there are no treatments, or treatments with awful side effects, why not?
Its a legitimate stance to refuse treatment, so why is it not a legitimate stance to refuse conventional treatment and accept homeopathic remedies? Which is actually the same as refusing treatment but invoking, or trying to invoke the placebo effect.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:02
In which case make it even cheaper and get doctors to give out magic glasses of water instead... Or just conventional placebo sugar pills...
The problem is when people believe this s**t for life threatening illnesses over conventional medicine because they had a friend who's headaches were cured by homeopathy water..
No way should it be tax payer funded as that also gives it credibility it doesn't deserve, if people want to do it and pay themselves then fine IMO