Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:29
Why are you so fixated on the last 13 years, when we have a rich history of overspending Royals, Politicians, bankers and so on screwing the Countries finances up. Yes we are in deep Economic trouble, but we've been here before. Maybe we'll dodge the bullet that would be the Government becoming insolvent or we won't. What we have to do is adapt to the changing world and innovate (something we've been good at in the past). Graphene was invented in the UK, that could be a material that changes the world in technological terms. Far too much woe is us rubbish is going on or Prince Charles supporting things that have no real scientific evidence to back their reported benefits which means more money is wasted.
Even if you get the spending under control, it just one part of the puzzle. The other is tackling the massive national debt. No quick fixes for that, only long term pain unless it's kicked into the long grass by politicians out of fear of the electorate.
Watch Yes Minister etc and you may understand what I meant in regards to the old boys network.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:30
You were the one linking the current problems with the 'old boy's network'...
And it's the politicians that have caused the vast majority of the debt, not the royals or the bankers!!
Let's learn to walk before we try and run..!!
Err, I've been brought up on it!
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:31
... then pour it down the drain, refill from kettle and bang the base of the cup on your worktop ... repeat x , add sugar to taste
also remember to act with discretion nearby, since water has memory
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:32
And it is going to remember how you treated the other water (you threw it down the drain without a second thought) and it will want revenge.
Beware the angry water with a long memory.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:33
Next time you pour out a nice glass of clear water, hold it up to the light and look into its depths and ask yourself - 'I wonder how many people and animals this water has passed through?"
... Then drink it!
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:34
I'd be more worried by the homeopathic wife.
Beware the angry wife with the long memory.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:35
All wives are homoeopathic?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:25:35
NHS homeopathy ending in London