IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:51

Top earners at the BBC and elsewhere

So as not to take other threads further off topic, please discuss people who are paid "too much" in here.

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:52

this article pretty much sums up what i feel about the current situation ie rising inequality taxation and the Government. As the article suggests we need a discussion.Mine would be, as i already suggested, to introduce extra tax bands further up the salary scale to claw back excessive salaries A 50 tax 80k is not enough. A 60( 250k), 70(500k)and an 80 %( £1000000) rateswould I believe be welcomed by most British people as being fair and reasonable particularly given current conditions. The likes of Paul Dacre would hate it and threaten to emigrate to which I would say hooray!Chris Evans and Gary Lineker are BBC’s top earners as gender pay gap exposed

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:53

If the BBC were a commercial organisation they would be free to pay whatever they like. But as they rely on taxation for their existence I would like to see the taxpayer having some say as to whether these salaries are worthwhile - or an opt out from paying them.

RiceRocket Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:54

Twitter at the moment 

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:55

I would certainly question the 'worth' of some of those salaries. I hardly think Chris Evans is doing anything to justify 2.2 million and struggle to think how that is providing value for money to the BBC.
I smiled at Steve Wright being worth more than half a million still, no wonder he still clings on with his cringeworthy 'jockin' without the g'. No Steve you're 'complete tat, with the w'.
Also amusing that, gender arguments aside, the top two females are arguably the worst female presenters the BBC have.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:56

Pay my license fee for BBC 5 live mainly, well worth the money far superior content compared to similar. Should ask for a discount when golf or tennis is on. 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:57

On meltdown I expect 

As I said in the GC thread, I don't know why anyone is surprised, we've known for years that some of these celebs were on huge salaries and the gender divide has been discussed before, more than once IIRC.There's a bit more meat on the bones this time, but the skeleton has always been in the closet 

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:58

Gary Linekar has made some fatuous comments about agents wearing tin hats and priavte sector alternatives to which my reply is increase his taxes as I suggested then It wouldn't matter who he chose to work for.The BBC wants what it thinks is the best talent available .Fine pay the going rate then recoup through taxation

Roohster Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:59

I wonder if BBC presenters already knew each others salaries before this report?

If not, I can imagine a lot of phone calls from agents to the Beeb.
Can't be good for morale.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:21:59

How much tax do you think Lineker will pay if told he has to give 80% of his earnings back?

Hint: how much do you think he pays now?

Clue: Gary Lineker saves a fortune by avoiding tax in schemes | Daily Mail Online
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