Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:41
Ah yes, I remember. Much like Diane Abbott, whose previously expressed support for the IRA is no longer valid, because since then she's changed her hairstyle. 
Diane Abbott compares IRA views to changing hairstyles
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:41
yet you spend all day every day telling us you endorse corbyn doing the same suicidal policies here.The current state of venezuela is a legacy of chavezs rule.
la gran siete
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:41
Of course, I do .Do you really think I am going to judge him negatively because he might once have endorsed Chavez? That is quite absurd.If everyone did that re any politician who changes his stance re a political figure we probably wouldn't have any politicians.In short, like many, I couldn't care less. Bring him on, the country is crying out of for clear red water with a decent sincere man at the helm.
I also do not believe for one moment that his policies would introduce suicidal policies either.Brexit is already doing that and he needs to be convinced by his own party that following that route would be suicidal for sure
la gran siete
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:41
you needn't worry about her, she is back in the backbenches doing stirling work for her constituents
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:42
And the BBC is not a Sneering, remainiac, left wing biased organisation that the entire country is forced to pay for against the threat of gaol? Sounds like a propaganda tool to me...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:42
Actually, she is shadow Home Secretary. Which is deeply worrying.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:42
Really? Must be why he won the election.
Oh wait.......
la gran siete
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:42
Just as we are forced to pay for many things including the royal family, road network, public libraries, public buildings in short everything that belongs collectively and no it is not a sneering left-wing biased organisation, left-wing in fact sometimes I could almost say it is quite the opposite but no it's not that either. Then again not having an obvious right bias does not mean it is a left-wing media organisation.
We should be very proud of the BBC which acts as the voice of reason against a tidal wave of hysterical right nonsense spewing out of a dishonestright wing press the serves the interests, not of the general public but its owners the press barons who are all tax exiles therefore in my view have no right to try and influence the British people with their odious political agenda
la gran siete
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:42
I am certainly not losing any sleep over her or her replacement Lyn Brown
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:43
You need to keep up with the news, Lyn Brown was only a temporary replacement, Abbott has been back in post for sometime.
Jeremy Corbyn reveals Diane Abbott has returned as shadow home secretary