When will the FTSE hit 6000?
Just a bit of fun.Place your bets here as to when the FTSE will hit 6000 again.My bet is about 11 am on the 5 th April Not till summer - July 10th.. nah, the jubilee will give it a bounce so before July. Only 93 to go and it's there.Could happen today if some good news breaks. Well it was at 6000 earlier this year, I think it will probably hit 6000 sometime this year. But my moneys on a the FTSE 100 to fall below 5300 either in 2013 or 2014. (Based on a calculation I made in 2009, now if only I could remember how I did it). Is your money really on that ? How much have you wagered ? When Portugal defaults - not anytime soon  No, its going South at a fair rate!:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 2018?
 perhaps I was unduly optimistic?
Or with all this talk about pensions and looking after ourselves, perhaps desperate rather than optimistic.