weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53

Ah yes, like the rebels in Syria and their false flags and staged gassings. And the US government serving the MIC and working their geopolitical interest in the region, when they react. Yes, that sort of thing. I agree.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53

Whataboutery, as this thread (yours) is specifically about Israel's presentation of new evidence to the worlds' media.

kilvil Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53

It is also not beyond Israel, to exagerate, twist, lie when it suits them, to further what they think makes them safer e.g. keeping Iran sanctioned and weak. Not that I'm sure what's going on here in this current situation. I do suspect they are telling the truth about the files, maybe with a bit of spin. Basically, yes, I believe them. Iran, unfortunately isn't to be trusted so easily as the previous US administration seemed to assume. That's my position. And I do have Israel's back generally too.

I wish the antagonism were not so and they could, long term, be friends with a different kind of government in Tehran. In the meantime, Israel views Iran as the one with the practical capability, size, poulation and all, to be the main threat. They don't want a strong Iran.

I do think my idea of a formal military alliance and a western troops presence in Israel, would make Israel feel so much safer that normalisation of relations might be a reality to achieve.

I'd like to the people of Iran prosper, get a better government. I'd like see Iran and Syria drop their support for terror against Israel. The Syrian government already stands for some good things but I'd like them, for the sake of their own people, just to soften the authoritarianism and unfairness where there is. Despite these things the government there is actually popular - it would just be nice if they could improve, be less 'orrible and stuff. Iran though, does need a total change of government, if only.

kilvil Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

I'd also like is to crack on and get good alternatives to oil. We might even have it - but hey, that's a conspiracy theory LOL . I know, I know 

Let the Sauooodis and their ilk stew in their sand and please themselves whatever sh*t they believe in. Damn them and their nonsense. They have nothing much to offer humanity but for the luck of what was beneath their feet.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

It's comments like this that makes it difficult to have a reasoned discussion.You previously described Israel as;

"...the good guys of the middle east anyway, who are the shining beacon of enlightenment and contribution to humanity, in an otherwise dreadful region of backwardness, negativity and hatefulness."

Which one is it?

Personally, I can't think of anything worse than Britain signing a military agreement with Israel as it sets a precedent and suggests that we'd taken a side in the Israel-Palestinian conflict which is a poisoned chalice.

With regards to Israel-Palestine, what are your thoughts on that? (I realise this is going off topic so feel free to ignore the question).You've previously stated that Israel is much smaller than Iran so are only protecting themselves against the larger military power using potentially twisted propaganda to garner further support from the US.Surely Palestine is the equivalent with its' non-existent military power and Israel using its' comparatively significant military against them?I realise that you will probably disagree with this suggestion but it's an interesting comparison.

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

Its both. They are the good guys of the middle east, fundamentally in culture and what they bring to humanity.But in persuing their interest they will, like most states twist, exagerate or lie. I don;t really see a contradiction in my stance.

On Palestine situation I think their case for being a people is not nearly as stong as they claim. I've watched advocacy for both sides of the argument and I'm not imporessed with the Palestinian argument. The Jews have to have come home eventually and yes Jerusalem is a Jewish place fundamentally. However there is no harm in those Arab people who live in the outside areas putting together territory from other state's lands ( except Israel ) to form a state if that is agreeable to them. If it promotes peace with Israel then that's great.

Would that be the end of it ? I doubt it. Such is the Jew hatred there , from scripture and passed down virally through the generations.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

As for western powers having a military treaty and possible presence, surely the point is, if they are there, they are never going to be needed. Syria and Iran wouldn't dare invade if they would have to be firing at American and British troops.

Border issues of incursion, localised rocket attacks and internal security need not be interfered with or considered trigger points for intervention. There just as an ultimate guarantor against invasion. Israel, feeling much safer need not engage in so much aggitation to keep her large potential enemies in chaos and thus, that encourages internal change in Iran and Syria as more likely. They could be friends eventually.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

I'm really struggling to read your posts as they start off well-intentioned then finish up with the same pro-Israel stance which negates any impartial discussion.

- Israel are telling the truth about the 'new' evidence discovered as they're a beacon of light - but they will also twist and lie to help themselves.

- There is no harm in the Palestinian people (sorry, 'Arabs') setting up their own territory -but not in Israel because that's Jewish only.

- There is Jew hatred passed down through scriptures and generations - but 'Arabs' aren't allowed to settle in Israel because that's for Jews only.

I don't want to get into the whole jew-hatred/anti-semitism argument that rages on in other threads as soon as negative suggestions are aimed towards Israel but isn't racism a two-way thing?You've already stated that you clearly have no love towards people from Saudi Arabia;

"Let the Sauooodis and their ilk stew in their sand and please themselves whatever sh*t they believe in."

I'm not sure what the point of deliberately mis-spelling 'Saudis' is.Is it some sort of anti-Saudi rhetoric?

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:54

dissolvingthe state of israel would have the same effect but much quicker and less bloody.

Paul brewin Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:55

For answers see within in bold type.
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