Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:50
You have to wonder why the Iranian leadership and their generals continue to threaten Israel with annihilation both through words and actions, though.
Considering Iran is supporting the Assad regime who is carrying out chemical attacks, shipping weapons and personnel into Syria, hence closer to Israel, arming Hizbollah who are also in Lebanon, I completely support Israel.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:50
If Iran was supposedly de-nuclearising and by their claim, never having had a program, why would they keep that stuff on ice ? That's not to mention Israel's claim that they have been sneakily adding to their know-how.
Again I ask people, is the Israeli government lying and why would they want to do it ?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:50
To Robel, just a side point here, but I disagree that the Syrian government has been doing the gassings, where there were gassings. We'll have to disagree about that if you think so. I don't see the logic of it at all and there has been evidence to the contrary that rebel groups have been at it - and they have the motive to as well.
I do acknowledge however that Syria has been one of the co-sponsors of terrorism directed against Israel. Iran and Syria both and that has to end if the wider world is to normalise relations with the two countries. Indeed, there is a lot to have regard for the Syrian government's principles it stands for in Syria. I just wish it would cut out the terror support and be friends with Israel, which I think it ought naturally to do. Same goes for Iran, if you think of the country in terms of its people, long term , and not the government, which isn't forever. The way I think of things and the way I think Israel ought to think of her neighbours in the long run, Israel ought to fear the ideologues of the likes of Saudi Arabia - the most vehement Jew hating source, that spreads the hatred virally through the generations and funds at least, the terrorism. Yet Israel seems, counter-intuitively, to be allied with and have sneaky arrangements with those powers.
I do understand the Israeli rational however, which is that they look at Iran ( and her ally Syria ) as being the source of actual military capability and population size to threaten her ( the Saudis, for all their money and military toys aren't serious ). Thus it is in Israel's interests to fear the practical threat and work to keep them weak, divided and in chaos. So I do get it,I just think its a pity, because there is so much potential for change and for friendship between Iran and Israel. Its a shame for the people of Iran that could be allies with Israel long term, but instead they suffer and the more they are sanctioned and marginalised the more they pool together patriotically instead of working to overthrow their government.
However, in the end, when we see that indeed, Iran is or for sure was ( and may again be ), intent on a nuclear program and is intent on continuing to wage war by remote terror, Israel must resist that and have the support of Israels allies. I personally would like to see a formal military guarantee of support from the US and the UK. Any invading ****ry would thus not only be firing at Israeli troops, but will also be at war with us ! So they wouldn't dare. Plus, with Israel feeling more safe, its more likely they could risk trusting their neighbours and winding down tensions. Less prone to doing their damndest to keep them in chaos and sanctioned impoverishment.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:51
I've already said, they're helping out Trump with his own propaganda about ripping up the nuclear agreement (because Obama signed it so it must be bad).Do you not think it's a huge coincidence that Israel's secret service happened to find this huge source of nuclear data in Iran exactly at the time that Trump is making a decision on pulling out?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:51
Oh, so states lie about evidence of mal intent by foriegn powers,for their geoplitical aims ? I wonder if the leading lights of this forum section would like to say what they think on this ?  I'm eagerly waiting.
Surely not, I mean isn't that a bit tin foil hat ?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:51
So are you suggesting that Israel's timing is more than just propaganda?I'm not suggesting they're lying about the documentation, it's pretty much certain that Iran would have documented their previous nuclear program, what I'm suggesting is that Netanyahu's Powerpoint presentation and scare-mongering was opportune.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:52
I agree, let's discuss the topic in this thread rather than worry about the 3 that you're banned from (that's some going to be thread-banned from 3 different threads!)
If I understand your post, you're suggesting that by grandstanding their documentation 'find', Israel benefit because Iran would be further restricted by the JCPOA.Therefore, the point of the presentation was to have a benefit in kind to Israel and, in return, for Trump to use it to further his own agenda (hence, propaganda).
I'm not sure I understand your second comment about Trump's support being weak?I've never suggested it was, he's already stoked the flames of division once for Israel by announcing the move of the US embassy so was this presentation by Israel a thank you in return?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53
Nice impartial propaganda there.You're clearly taking a lead from Netanyahu
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:53
the same reason everyone lies, for personal gain.