SNP - Planning to Spend 5 Years Winding Up Tories?
The new SNP MPs were shown around Parliament today:SNP MP pretends to be prime minister - Telegraph
...and have already got one Tory MP foaming at the mouth in outrage. Love them or loathe them, I think the SNP plan to make an impact. @Rasczak you may be right:  Without the Labour support they were hoping for, winding up the Tories might be as far as it goes. The SNP were never hoping for a Labour victory - they have got everything they were after with the Tory majority - indeed, it is their dreams come true.
They have demanded the chairmanship of several Select Committees and will be able to force extra debate on key constitutional issues in Holyrood using their majority there. Won't be long before we have a Holyrood/Westminster standoff IMHO over one issue or another. And if Dave bungles the EU referendum then they get their vote. Ultimately I hope it all runs smoothly, for the good of the country.
But it really will be fun to watch if it doesn't.
It's a real shame NS isn't a Westminster MP, I'd love to see her a DC at each other's throats during PMQs.
But I think we might be seeing a bit more of the Scottish Parliament on the news.A lot of her saying "I see in Westminster the other day that Mr Cameron..." ad lib to fade.
I just get a nagging feeling she has a few good newsworthy one-liners in her.
Steve W Just as a sample of some of the anti-Unionist propaganda that circulates in the north:
However stupid some of the themes in the video are - and however wrong - the Unionist parties have a huge uphill struggle over the years ahead. If anyone things Cameron is safe and sound with a small majority when there is a sizeable bloc of MPs elected on stuff like this, then I think there are going to be a few shocks ahead. Seems they are going to spend 5 year winding up Labour as well: Ho Ho! Saw that on Sky News. It was like the Germans and the poolside deckchairs. SNP snaffled all the front bench seats from labour MPs before they arrived.
Labour MPs furious at these young upstarts. Dennis Skinner refused to move from his front bench seat today. A bit of a stand off ensued with a young SNP MP hovering over him.
I think the title of the thread should be changed to winding up Labour! Winding up the palace of Westminster really, a bit of a laugh no doubt.