Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:50
Wings over Scotland is a hate filled internet rag.
Now that's a fact.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:50
Yep the guy that runs it is a ****, however his analysis & rebuttal of the smears, spin & slander from the Unionists is a useful counterbalance to the establishment view
Sloppy Bob
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:50
A nice irony.
The SNP Transport Minister caught driving without insurance.
Transport Minister Humza Yousaf drove without insurance - BBC News
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:50
So Nicola Sturgeon has now decided the time is right for a battle with Mrs May. Of course she is threatening a referendum.
Can someone explain to me why the SNP don't seem to see the irony. They criticise the UK breaking away from the EU, but see no problem breaking away from the UK?
Especially when most of their trade is with England?
Odd isn't it?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:51
She's utterly myopic when it comes to independence.
The entire country can burn and flush itself down the toilet but it's alright because we're "Free".
Curious where the money is coming from this time, as last time all the oil money that's since vanished and would have had us all taxed to the hilt to make up the deficit has ..... vanished.
The sums didn't add up last time, it was all wishes, hopes and dreams.
Now it's utter fantasy.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:51
People say that about Brexit 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:51
And that's the irony I was talking about.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:51
There is a big difference between making money from trade and accepting handouts.
IMO independence can be achieved successfully whilst maintaining trade with other countries and making your own decisions.
Independence cannot be successful with continuing to accept handouts from another country, by it's very nature that is not going to work.
If Scotland can break away from the rest of the UK and be able to survive independently without handouts from the UK but on trade alone, then I see no problem with Scotland pushing for independence.
As @Sloppy Bob says - it's no good crying 'freedom' if the country cannot stand on it's own trade.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:51
The arguments for Brexit and Scottish Independence are much of muchness IMHO. A think a cartoon in the Guardian got it spot on:
Martin Rowson on Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon – cartoon
The economic argument for Scottish Independence is dubious. But Brexit has shown that doesn't matter as long as the counter-argument is marketed slickly. So any future referendum in Scotland will hinge upon whether the Tories/Labour or the SNP can make the better case. I think much will hinge upon the Brexit negotiations - if it goes well we will see a re-run of the 2014 result, i.e. people choosing stability versus chaos. If it goes badly the choice will be chaos versus chaos - in which case I suspect independent chaos would win.
I think there is also a question of how energised the 'No!' vote would be this time. Personally I (like many) fought tooth and nail for it last time. In all honesty if we had a vote tomorrow I don't think I would vote as the choices would be either voting for Scottish Independence (a folly IMHO) or continuing to shackle Scotland to England which seems to be moving in a nasty direction politically. Interesting times for sure.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:52
The other point is who would lead a No campaign anyway. Labour are now a busted flush in Scotland , the Tories dont get much a hearing anyway so that leaves the LibDems and the business sector. Are there any big names left who can energise a NO campaign to win?