Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:45
Here's a better idea Rasczak, won't you join with me on this, we leave the EU, Scotland leaves, and then England gets to decide what England wants and you get your Sunday trading laws voted out. Job jobbed!
Oops nearly forgot. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:46
That would be awful - without supervision Westminster would just descend into a bad place. I mean we would have Fox hunting back on the books now if the SNP had stopped them. Important issues would get sidelined as we chased after every little Tory interest project. The EU (and SNP to an extent) keeps them broadly on track - the former by pushing through laws which then dominate the Westminster agenda.
As I am English myself, so I have a huge interest in ensuring the English people are effectively and properly governed. 
I suppose the public will decide on 23 June.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:46
Isn't that why we have a Strong Opposition on the other side of the House, to prevent that?.
Oh, wait, scratch that 
House of Lords?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:46
So the solution to having laws for us is to have more interference by others. Brilliant. The SNP and trading laws alone is an example. We could decide whether we want Sunday trading laws relaxed, it was stopped by the SNP so what we need is more political bodies interfering...
I'm against fox hunting but if it's democratically what we want I don't have a problem. I view democracy as more important than my wishes. It's why I always wanted a referendum on the EU. It doesn't matter to me what people vote, it matters to me that people have had a say.
Like it or not the Tories were elected.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:46
Why bother having a parliament if the party with the most votes should be allowed to pass their manifesto unopposed
Although re fox hunting, the Tories offered a free vote, but hey, why bother with democracy
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:46
Isn't that the point? You win the election you get lots of seats in parliament you implement the manifesto the electorate voted for.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:47
See my edit re free vote and no the parliament and HOL is a check and measure to hold the government of the day to account, else we end up under a one party state of whichever hue was deemed slightly more popular than the rest under our ludicrous FPP voting system
23% of the electorate is a pretty wobbly mandate
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:47
It's the same with any election, hey I'm in favour of PR to make it more representative. Why should Scottish MPs and Scottish voters affect trading laws in England & Wales?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:47
Who says any party should be able to pass their manifesto unopposed?
And it is a bit rich to say "why bother with democracy" when you seem to be supporting that those that cannot be held to account by the electorate should be able to block legislation.You really think that it is democratic that Scottish MPs can influence English matters for which English voters cannot vote them out?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:47
Because it would have a knock-on affect for Scottish workers working for UK companies who enjoy extra wages for working non-sociable hours
Last time I checked the job of the SNP or whatever party Scotland voted for in a Westminster election is to look out for their constituents
The fact that it also gave the Tories a bloody nose was an added bonus