Next general election - who to vote for
I know, it is a while off although according to some it should have happened several times already  problem I have with the next general election, the first I'd be actually allowed to vote in, is which party to vote for.
Traditionally I've always been a liberal, but never been a fan in the UK version. At a push David Steel was perhaps the last.
Labour with Corbyn was no chance, but Labour with Corbyn with Anti-Semitism is no way on earth.
The Conservatives had so much potential but seem to be hellbent on throwing all opportunities away and make the biggest mess possible of Brexit. Simply not strong enough.
And then what else is there? I think the UK is heading for a huge crisis here, which is a potentially very dangerous place to be where undesirable fringe parties may get too much power.
I really hope some in the main parties will show some true leadership and stand up and get the country through this. Wowza.Getting in early considering it's 4 years away:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Simple choice really.
It'll be Conservative, unless, they screw things up so bad that Brexit still hasn't happened.
In that case i'll join the other several million voting UKIP. Way to early as it stands , if there was an election tomorrow then it would have to be Raving Looney party.All the three main parties seem raving Looney themselves at this point and he'll bent on fudgeing everything up.
I do agree that the main two need a change of leadership and more so direction before I would even consider casting my vote for them. Can only see a hung parliament/ coalitionUnless one of them pulls that finger outa their arse . Conservatives or UKIP it was never in doubt. chances are that by the time the next election comes around there will be new leaders for both cons and labour, so will depend on the new leaders but the current labour party has no one in its ranks capable of leading the country. UKIP at present Am I alone in thinking that the Conservatives, and every other party, are in the same boat?
In my opinion:
Lib Dev can forget it with Vince Cable
UKIP is a single issue party, and simply not suitable for government.
The Greens, seems to be a like a high school project to me, totally unrealistic. If the Tories fail to leave the EU then I'd very reluctantly vote for UKIP.
It pains me to say that. But I'd treat the election as being about that single issue and would vote accordingly. What political party has a slight leaning to the left, but fairly close to the centre?
That's the party for me. Good question. Don’t think such a party exists anymore.