EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:01

May has said there will be no second referendum. So the next election might be fought on Brexit choices. If the Tories have got any sense, Mrs. May needs to be eased out as she has made a pigs ear out of Brexit.
Labour should replace Corbyn but he thinks he is their saviour.

I am sure it will be down to who does what on Brexit and that could include a promise of a second referendum.

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:01

So it looks like I will not be casting a vote at the next GE.

...First time for everything 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:02

The Greens are the closest we've got, slight leaning would be an understatement though, which goes to show how far left Labour have gone!

I'd just ideally like a centrist party that can be taken seriously. Unfortunately FPTP seems to encourage the futile left/right arguments and won't allow a genuine voice from the centre ground to be heard.

dms Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:02

I hate to agree, which is really why I started this topic as I honestly don't know anymore 

Iain42 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:02

It's a real shame we haven't ditched first past the post voting yet and moved to PR which would make a lot of us care more about who we voted for.

It's doubley crazy as hardly anyone out there (as proportion of the electorate) actually votes for their mp.They vote for a party irrespective of whether their vote matters in first past the post.Imagine what would happen if party names were not allowed on ballot papers!The mps in turn generally vote a long party lines and not what their constiency want (easily seen with brexit)

What I dream of is a) Corbyn gets struck by a bolt of common sense out if tge blue and loses some of his wacky idea to turn him into a real choice b) the Tories split into UKIP and folk with sense.

Either way id have a decent party to vote for.

That's all pipedream though.Given our current voting system I will most likely vote for whoever can unseat the incombrant. Only chance you have if keeping them honest

KiLLiNG-TiME Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:02

A very difficult choice for me.

I think we have far too much "government".I would like to see less socialism, something more libertarian.These were among the many reasons I voted to leave the EU.

Now I see this opportunity for renewal and reinvigoration of the country being squandered by all sides of the political establishment.I guess the EU retirement home for useless politicians is pretty attractive for them.....

I guess UKIP could be an option, however the economics of their last manifesto seemed only slightly less likely to bankrupt the country than Corbyn's fantasy.They are a one trick pony, however, important trick.....

Maybe a Conservative Party without people like Ken Clarke, Anna Soubry, and the like, who just don't belong in my opinion. They should go and join with any Blairites left in the Labour Party, as they seem to sing from the same hymn sheet.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:02

NOTA 'with teeth' i.e.: formalised consequences for the election result in the event of a NOTA 'win' (as opposed to 'faux' NOTA, whereby the next placed candidate takes office anyway as happens in India and elsewhere).

None of the above - Wikipedia

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:03

I'll most likely vote for our incumbent who is doing a good job as far as I can tell.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:03

Good idea - maybe I'll do the same.

...And not vote for one of the two main political party with what I consider to have the best manifesto and neatest oratory capabilities.

justincase Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:03

Agree with most of that, though, bit harsh on UKIP.Some of their policies were pretty sensible.

Totally agree on the Conservatives.Cant wait to see Soubry dumped at the next set of elections.Ken should just retire. Enough already Ken.

Dump some more left leaning Tories and go back to being a centre-right party.

Far too many leftish sympathisers in the party who fall apart at the mere suggestion of taking back a bit of OUR money from the disgraceful tax credits system.

I do accept that winning another election based on the above would be difficult, given the huge left wing fanbase we have in this country.
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