Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:03
I won't be voting but what i would like to see is the end of the party political system...
More independants that act in the best interests of their constituents and country,,not having to tow a party line,vote against their conscience etc,until that day you will just get more of the same..
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:03
UKIP? Nope, don't remember it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:04
I have noticed a number of things quietly changing. There some in the news e.g. gradual pay rises in the NHS but there are other like more roadworks so money is being spent there, no fuss and no fanfare.
Plus while holiday spending some time visiting Macron at his holiday home. No fuss, no fanfare.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:05
45% Of Tories Think Brexit Backlash Will Make Corbyn PM
Huffington Post has Corbyn down as next PM.
45% of Tories think he will win.
Huff post would say that but it could happen and we will be in the pooh.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:06
I hate the Tories but that is nonsense. Corbyn will never be PM.Look at the current polling.At any other time, Labour should be smashing it.They're barely level with the Tories at a time where everybody agrees the government is makingright hash of Brexit and social services are worse than ever.
Corbyn appeals only to a small segment of Labour, offers incompetent opposition, and is wholly unequipped to lead. He's moderate Kryptonite.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:07
With the current shower I'd probably just spoil my vote - remembering not to draw the cock and balls in any of the actual boxes. Ultra-safe non-marginal Tory constituency anyway.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:08
You are noticing more roadworks because underfunding means projects are being extended out to limit the amount of resource directed to it at anyone time. For example, the only reason it takes four years to convert a ten mile stretch of motorway into 'smart motorway' is because they can't afford to assigned sufficient resource to it. Ergo you will 'notice' those roadworks for a full four years.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:09
Scottish Nose Pickers for this Nasty Nat, although hopefully won't be required at the next WM election 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:10
It's a weird situation where the Blairite's were/are slightly right of centre and Momentum/the leadership are more centre left with a mish mash of labour MP's spread between the Blairite's and the Momentum Corbynite's.
Essentially the Labour party are everywhere and nowhere but with a primary leadership contending they are centre left.
The Tories are much the same in that you have a spectrum of Tories from centre right to the far right with an image of being centre right but so much internal arguments and decent that the leadership is running a juggling act that sways one way then another.
We have too few options and too large a limited party system.
It would be far better for voters and the UK if the parties all fractured and we had proportional representation.
However, it's a chicken and egg situation atm - the two largest parties have to be large to win a majority as a consequence of first past the post.
While the two largest parties are the ones controlling the direction, they don't want PR because it diminishes their dominance.
Personally, I'd love to see a PR government with centrist parties with a slight left and right leaning taking overall control.
My only hope is in the next 10 to 20yrs, the generations of people who have been born into the faster changing world of home computers/internet/global communications will be more tolerant of changes to the political system to allow PR to become possible.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:51:12
Whatever you think about them that's as untrue a statement as you're likely to see - didn't you read their manifesto?