Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:01

Pretty sure the tenement of the Christian faith was about loving one another. Neither have I ever seen Christ saying anything about homosexuality being wrong either. As I said, the only anti-gay prejudice I have ever witnessed was always from people far removed from being church going and tended to be violent.

Generally regular church going people tend to not be violent and it takes a considerable amount of wishful thinking and juggling to try and marry the two.

Interesting that the British Humanist Society website seems to rely heavily on the British Social Attitudes Surveys.

No wonder there was no links…

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:01

"The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God"

maybe some christian basics from the BBC will help you:

BBC Christianity basics

Annectdotal evidence rather than emperical evidence .... I have only seen blue pens therefore all pens are blue.

Annectdotal evidence rather than emperical evidence .... I have only seen blue pens therefore all pens are blue.

Only interesting in the fact that they amongst many other organistations including the governement prefer to rely on the BSA surveys for more indepth analysis of social trends rather than the census which is more suited to establishing population and household sizes.

BSA surveys - knock yourself out.

It's what universities and educational institutions uses as a data resource for studying statistics, sociology etc

Pecker Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:02

TB, you're clearly confused here.

There's a clear difference between beliefs about who or what God is, has sent his message, etc, on the one hand, and beliefs about how such a God expects people to behave, on the other.

The Jewish scriptures contain 613 Mitzvah, of which Jesus said the most important were to love God and your neighbour as yourself behemoth pressed on how loving God would affect behaviour, Jesus said people should treat everyone eke with the same respect as they would treat God.Finally, Jesus offered one new commandment, to love each other as He loved them - that is to the point of giving their life.

These are accepted by Christians of almost all persuasions as the basic teachings of Christianity about how we should treat each other.

How that works itself out is, of course, a matter for debate, but a Christian who disagrees that this is the backbone of Christian moral teaching is a rare beast indeed.

Steve W

karkus30 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:02

Interesting. I can understand that doctrine completely, never heard that said before ( we do learn a lot in this forum ) so why the conflicting passage ?

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:02

Not really.

I can put on a firemans outfit and throw a bucket of water over the barbeque in the back garden, but it doesn't make me a fireman.

Many of the christian ideals and teaching as not uniquely christian.
I believe one should treat others as one would expect others to treat you.
I believe that one should passionately care for other human beings welfare.

I am not a christian.

What would make me a christian is if I actually believed that the commandment Jesus offered was actually from God and that Jesus was the son of God.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:02

I find it amusing that TB thinks he knows the minds of everyone on the planet.

I have only seen blue pens therefore all pens are blue.

karkus30 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:02

I'm not Christian and can accept that as being entirely correct, neither am I any other religion or atheist either . 

the-demi-god Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:03

Unfortunately being a christian does not preclude you from being bigotted and they have a higher than average tendancy to be judgmental. They totally fail to grasp the fact that Jesus did not judge people in fact he spent his time with those "sinners" that society despised. I don't think the church should be obliged to marry people with whom they have fundamental differences of opinion, but they are sad people that cannot accept that being different does not make you bad or wrong just different. We started with D Cameron is it a political gesture that has backfired yes I would say so although for once I think he actually thought he was helping to clear up an issue.
How wrong can you be.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:03

Think TB is trying to confuse things here. As I said, I can remember Christ talking about loving one another. Can't find anything about him giving his views on homosexuals so for me I have no problem with gay people either as a Christian or not.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:47:03

Yet I could not believe that and still consider myself a Christian as well 
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