Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:20
Or it's quite simply that neither remain or leave leaning politicians are any good at conducting complex negotiations. So it's bumbling towards a mythical cliff edge that's happening rather than some clever plot to make brexit impossible.
It's how most other countries conduct these kinds of votes to prevent bickering.
Though I guess if things are too close to call ? Trial by Combat to decide the winner. Weapons of choice ? Blue Passports with razor sharp paper and an EU Flag made out of Uranium.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:21
Dance off apparently 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:22
I don't misunderstand at all.
So many people want to stay in the EU, as per the vote just as many want to leave.
If there is another vote and its remain - then what? its 1-1, so do we stay or leave ? do we have a tie breaker ?
What about at the next GE if many people want the losing party in power, should we have another GE ?
In both cases, do we just keep having elections until we get the "right" answer ?
Ultimately there was a democratic vote - we have the result and we're going to have to live with that. To ignore the vote and just "try again" would be a constitutional crisis.
As I said, things can not go "back to how they were", even if we stayed we'd be made to pay for flirting with leaving.
Personally, purely from a trade point of view I don't think trying to leave is a particularly smart thing to do when both sides are so unprepared (and yes, quite possibly some of that is deliberate).
The whole social engineering thing and all the daftness/bureaucracy of the EU I have absolutely no time for.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:23
Many people wanted to stay in Europe and thought they wouldn't be able to go to Club Med any more so voted remain 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:24
I wonder.
What I like though was the turnout of people who showed an interest and voted at the Brexit referendum: 72.2%.
Very nearly broke the record of the highest turnout which stands at 72.3%.
They all had their various reasons for voting as they did, but they voted. Shows how important people thought to leave or to stay is.
...Well, most people anyway 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:25
And that is a very important point indeed, the turn out was good for UK referenda/elections. Everybody had an opportunity, as long as they are a British Citizen. They didn't even have to be a resident. It was good democracy in action.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:25
If you'd prefer no deal.
Petition: Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.
Rapidly increasing as you watch.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:25
Now 106,000
Note the time between these two posts.
Sign it quick before we all die off.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:25
Why has someone started a poll requesting a Parliamentary debate on Brexit?  Parliament has been talking about it non-stop for five days!And will be again in January!
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:26
Because people want to show how they feel!