Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:00
Because it's the nearest we are to 'Remain' at the moment.
But it's as dead as a Dodo.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:00
What compromises have the EU made so far?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:01
The only one I can think of is they aren't still asking for £100 billion.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:01
That is the whole problem with the cheques deal as it will only lead to more compromises on the UK government front where we get to the point that Brexit means remain . It's a weak position when we really at this point should be playing hardball with the EU . They ain't gonna budge on anything whilst we twist and turn and they push us towards a second referendum .
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:01
Well they have accepted that checks can be done away from the physical border in NI - hey, its a start..
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:01
Hello just wondering what standpoint and direction you are coming from on Brexit in a US trade tarrifs point of view? Do you really care what the UK does or does not do , just as long as it makes the EU weaker , and also maybe the UK on trade deals with the US ?
You can tell the truth here mate .
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:01
I want a good free trade deal with the US, what the EU does with the US after we leave is of no concern. If the EU want to play silly b*ggers and try to survive on protectionism then thats up to them - although looks like they have met their match with Trump. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:02
May booed by Tory party members as she outlines her Chequers proposals
Theresa May was booed at her own party conference in an unprecedented backlash against her much-criticised Chequers plan.
The Conservative Association chairman and Tory members heckled the Prime Minister as she referenced her Brexit proposals in a speech.
She was also denied a standing ovation as she left the closed meeting of the National Conservative Convention (NCC), the most senior body of the party’s voluntary wing.
It is believed to be the first time a prime minister has not received the traditional round of applause at the end of the two-hour grassroots event, which kicks off the conference every year.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:02
I haven’t really seen anything about the bill since reading this:
“Britain has bowed to EU demands and agreed to fully honour its financial commitments as identified by Brussels, removing one of the biggest obstacles to a Brexit divorce settlement.
According to several diplomats familiar with the talks, the UK would assume EU liabilities worth up to €100bn although net payments, discharged over many decades, could fall to less than half that amount.
Negotiators are working on how to present the settlement as a net estimate, with the UK side pressing for an implied figure of between €40bn and €45bn once UK receipts and other deductions are taken into account. “They have promised to cover it all, we don’t care what they say their estimate is,” said one senior EU diplomat. “We’re happy to help them present it.”
Source: Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Was that correct? If it was, does it remain so?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:02
Date? That sounds like what the EU came up with at first.
EU divorce bill - Wikipedia
This bill will amount to approximately £39 billion.
Bear in mind that issue still isn't settled.