Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:12
This could have been cleared up long ago. However, as you are well aware, the UK is divided between the three options you have highlighted as well as the other main option you have not listed: not leave the EU at all and return to how things were.
Theresa has tried several times, unsuccessfully, to make a twisty path through all the divisions which will lead to a deal. Unfortunately she and her team have failed.
Another easy short-term option is to hold another Brexit referendum, but that will make nonsense of democracy and will lead to serious long-term problems.
The first and last options will upset too many people and lead to unrest, so maybe a free trade agreement is the best option. However the EU is unlikely to bend one inch (sorry - 2.54 cm) on anything to do with free trade, judging from past negotiations, so that option is possibly a non-starter.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:13
Please be careful not to insult the many people who voted Leave who do shower occasionally //
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:14
I suspect that may well turn out to be a very accurate summary.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:14
I don't think that is even on the table to be honest. We had a vote, it came out leave. I don't quite know how you can just ignore that and stay in. There would be riots, guaranteed. Boris might just explode.
Another vote could be proposed, but where does that get us - lets say it suggests to stay in, then what ? best of three ? maybe five ? its not a workable situation.
And even if either of those did happen, are the EU just going to say "jolly good show, glad you're staying, lets forget all about it" - no chance, pretty sure we'd find ourselves having to make some sort of recompense for having the cheek to even go through the motions of leaving.
The flip side of all this is where is Europe going ? Merkel has lost a lot of ground to other factions, from what I understand she's pretty much done for and there is eurosceptisim in Germany now. Other than writing off large debts and loaning more it doesn't seem the Greece situation is any better either. A few years ago there was lots of talk of the PIIGS - not sure how the situation in those countries is now?
Is Europe going to have to go through some reform in the next couple of decades? my (completely amateur) guess is yes. Crystal ball time as to what that would be though.
Greg Hook
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:15
The problem is that the deals being talked about are what neither side wants. Those that voted to leave are not getting what they voted for. Especially with this nonsense Chequers deal, that is the worst of both worlds.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:16
You misunderstand.
The UK is divided and one of the options the UK is divided over was missing: not leave the EU at all and return to how things were.
That's why I mentioned it - many people in the UK wish to stay in the EU.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:17
And that's what he voted. Many Leavers are wondering why they bothered though as the Remainers in charge of Brexit seem to be cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:18
If we have another vote to remain, it has to be a 2/3 majority.... right?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:19
Brexit means Brexit  If and when a deal on top of that becomes a possibility to aid trade only then I’m confident most of the Brexit voters will be ok with that. But first and foremost Brexit means Brexit. Pretty clear from the options presented by yourself which one that is. The others are all inventions be remain to attempt to dilute the process. Let’s not over complicate this; Brexit means Brexit.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:29:20
 That plus à majority of referendi. I’ve got a feeling this will go to a 5 set match and then remain will still not be satisfied.