AVForums general election after the event poll
Ok so we ran the 'How will you vote' poll.Now let's see how that compares with how you voted on the day. Lib Dem... 
Very little chance of winning where I am but you gotta vote for what you believe in. I don't like negative/tactical voting. I'm still undecided, which is a good thing.
I have a few hours to do some more reading and try and work out what's best for me and my family for the next 4 years or so...
BB BNP for me. No chance of winning, but maybe the scare of their results will help the winning party look twice at some of their policies. No N. Ireland parties again ? Lib Dem both locally & nationally. Went for my 2nd choice.My first would have been UKIP but that would have been wasted, so went for my second choice, conservative.
Normally, would have voted UKIP knowing that it was a safe Tory seat but with Lib Dem coming up and fast, thought it was important to make my vote count.
Actually it's a very hard choice as I don't beleive any of the manifestos are sustainable, so I'm not sure what any of the parties are really offering.For example one of the Lib Dem policies is free university education for all.Now looking selfishly, that would be great - I have two children coming up to uni age and that would save me £6000 per year - like having a £10,000 pay rise.But realistically I don't think it would happen - how would they pay for it.
And that is the same for all the manifestos - lots of policies saying what they are going to improve but very little detail about how they are going to pay for it at a time when we should be reducing spending, not increasing it.
Nigel Allot of people died for us to make a responsible decision on what is probably the most important date on the calender this year, choose wisely choose responsibly.
Good luck and fingers crossed we wake up tomorrow to the right result for our future.
BB The monster raving loony party take No10. Imagine the G10?
Russia:We should eradicate more nuclear weapons;
UK: Fish smell funny we should invest in removing the smell from fish!
Japan: What has that to do with Nuclear disarmament?
UK: Fish smell funny and i find it annoying!
USA: UK are you taking this seriously????
UK: Not as much as removing the smell of fish from fish!