Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:06
Fred Quimby
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:07
I think the bottom line is US chicken may be contaminated with Salmonella, cook it properly.UK chicken may be contaminated with campylobactor, cook it properly.
Are UK chickens housed more humanely? probably. Do we want to support the UK poultry industry? definitely...
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:08
Usually we look for small locally owned restaurants that use locally sourced produce.
Additionally I'm always on the lookout for signs that they take food hygiene very seriously. Since I own and run such an establishment myself this isn't particularly difficult.
Of course none of this guarantees anything but I always make the attempt to be happy with what I'm eating.
Anyway it's not like this is a regular occurance for us. Running my own business makes getting away for any kind of holiday rather difficult.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:09
At any price?
Food poverty could be reduced with access to cheaper food. Is it better to support a small number of farmers and workers, or a larger number of people who might want to buy cheaper food? Then of course we have the issues of food security and food miles.
It's a valid argument to have. I'm generally in favour of letting people choose cheaper food if they want to.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:10
Tried chicken in Seville Spain.Spent 8 days in hospital with Salmonella poisoning.Never again, now very careful what I eat.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:11
Comparison of the Regulatory Framework and Key Practices in the Poultry Meat Supply Chain in the EU and USA
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:11
This is a very curious thread. I opened it on page 3 and it appears to be a thread about chicken and the perils of either washing or not washing it. I always find it most efficacious to wash oneself after choking the chicken.
On the topic of Trump's visit, I wish him well and that Corbyn, Khan et al would all act like professional politicians and drop the highly detrimental protests.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:12
If only he would do the same 
Respect, as they say, is earned.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:13
You don't have to like the person but they most certainly should, for the sake of relations between our countries, show respect to the 'post' of President and that 'respect' has been earned by the post of POTUS over many decades since they joined in and assisted liberating Europe from the Nazis.
It's called diplomatic politics and it makes life easier.
I'm sure Trump is a lot like a petulant child, but a very powerful petulant child whom it's much better to have as an ally than a foe.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:14
I pretty much agree with this.
But as to wether diplomacy makes things easier I'm not too sure. At least not right now.
With any other administartion or President they'd take note of diplomatic relations and respond accordingly.
Trump just says and does whatever he feels like, regardless of the diplomatic fallout. And it doesn't matter if it's true, a lie or just something that he sees as "reality" in his own weird little world.
He's also an unreliable ally, he's someone who will switch and change allegiances based on a whim. And only ever if it's in his own best short term interests.
Regardless our politicans should probably be acting a little more professional if only to be ready to deal with a more sane administration in the future.