IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:29

We buy our chickens from a supermarket, the supermarket could source the chickens from abroad or locally. Not something we check or care about.

As far as we are concerned it is the texture and flavour of the bird that determines where we buy our uncooked chickens. For example, even though we quite often stock up at a Marks & Spencers food store we never buy an uncooked chicken from Marks because they're always very dry in texture.

If the supermarkets decide to import chlorinated uncooked chickens from the USA and we find the flavour or texture not up to our standard then we will no longer buy them.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:30

Then don't?

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:31

In our supermarkets, all meat is labelled with the country it was produced in. It is unlikely that US chicken would be much cheaper than ours anyway- it is already the cheapest meat available.
Anyway, the customer will be able to make that choice. Its not going to be foisted on to us.
So I don't see a problem.

maddy Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:32

I would think that home grown birds would get prime billing with a big UK Tractor symbol on the packaging and the chlorinated stuff would probably sit below or possibly replace their budget "essentials" ranges.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:33

Never been to a McDonalds and have no idea what process their uncooked chickens (or chicken pieces) go through before sprinkling with breaded sawdust and frying.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:35

I think there are two worries, one that a flood of cheap chicken will endanger the home industry, because people will buy the cheaper stuff and second that even if we are more discerning in the supermarket many caterers won't have the same admirable principles as Mevlock.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:36

Hehe, but joking aside, it's a real warning - and the NHS advice as well.
Chickens will have some bacteria on them regardless of how well they were prepared.
If you attempt to wash them, the water will disperse those bacteria all over the place onto surfaces, hands, clothing etc and it can lead to serious problems.
It's a case of definately spreading bacteria that will increase your risk of getting food poisoning.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:37

We will continue to wash them.

...But thanks for the advice.

springtide Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:38

Why you should never wash raw chicken

Having Campylobacter poisoning from washing chicken I can highly recommend not doing it, or just being careful (as sometimes you need to do it for various reasons)

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 01:13:39

Probably a light rinse in chlorine at the factory would reduce/ eliminate that danger .
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