Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:03

Also missed out that if she goes to far either way, she risks resignations which means her party can't govern.
Probably a lot more issues involved. Like having some kind of stability so businesses can invest, domestic issues can be sorted, that stuff.

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:03

How would another Referendum solve anything? - lets say that Remain won by 52 - 48 this time. Well Remainers have just spent the last 2 years telling us that that isn't a large enough majority to be a decisive win.

Surely the Remainers wouldn't be so hypocritical as to declare victory?

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:04

And if it's two votes to leave, then it's still for leave and we've wasted time. And reinforced that referenda needs two votes to change anything regardless of claims about there will be no second one.

Unless there's a large swing for Remain it won't solve anything.

Cliff Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:05

So Tom Watson is going on the march! He should seriously think about his position in all this. Its not some kind of Union march- which he is probably very familiar with.

Have the marchers even though about the question. (reading this thread might give them something to think about) I understand they want remain as an option. So what is the alternative option? If they say the May/EU deal which has already been shot to pieces in Parliament they are having a larf! Or no deal? That is also not a preferred option.

Please select the best option that you think is best for the UK:-

1) Cancel Art.50 and Remain in the EU.//
2) The Prime Ministers deal or no deal and be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone.(And be tormented day and night forever and ever.)

richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:06

Well Leave won, spent 3 years faffing round and got us nowhere.

So if Remain wins, we should get 3 years to do something as well.

If not we have a decider in 2022.


EarthRod Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:07

All polls are inflicted with the same malady: they are coloured by the agenda of the originator.

Toko Black Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:08

But the introductionary post does suggest that is what it is about:

"These are not theoretical 'wishes' based on fantasies of perfect deals, but based on the current situation of what deal we have on the table."​
... and in the intervening posts I have stated that:

"That's the whole point of the poll ... It's facing the reality of what is actually happening and what have to do, not necessarily what we 'wish' we could do - because like the Poll, those are more or less the real options and decision we have very little time to make." ​
You should have been aware or at least had 'the choice' to take the opertunity to educatate and avail yourself of the appropriate information before jumping to an erroneous conclusion 

But instead you 'chose' to

a) complain about it without any real attempt at constructive criticism.
b) essentially just resort to name calling about and stereotyping Remainers as "Thinking they know better".​
So given that you now know this Poll and Thread is an attempt to focus on the reality of what we are most likely forced to accept given the situation in Parliament, the time running out and the Brexit deadline seriously close:

Your options are as follows:
a) you can take that on board and adjust your comments and critiques accordingly, hopefully with constructive and productive criticism and dialogue.
b) you can continue to just post unproductive negative criticism.
c) you can just ignore the poll and thread.​
Now my vote is supporting (a) while most opposing (b) ... but the balls, or in this case bicycle pump is in your court.

Toko Black Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:09

For reference:
Current stance (8:05am 23/03/2019)

No Deal - 2 Against, 2 Neutral
May's Deal - 3 Against, 39 Neutral
Revoke article 50 - 5 For, 3 Neutral

Neutral = neither first choice nor most opposed.

We simple don't know whether Neutral votes support, oppose or are 50/50, only that they indicate the voter neither is most for or against that option.
They indicate and help highlight the grey areas and unknowns that arise with Binary simple choices representing complex issues who's support lay on a scale.

The fact that 'we don't know' and by what amount that represent gives an indication of how confident we should be regarding the validity and authority of any particular vote and most importantly, how much authority we give to actions and policy based upon it.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:09

You've missed out the '''in my opinion" part  whilst presenting it as some sort of immutable facts. But hey ho, if you only want answers that support your views then feel free to live in that bubble.

Toko Black Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:10

Then clearly you have an opertunity to positively contribute to the discussion by suggesting alternative options that "in your opinion" better represent the real situation of the choices we have.

I look forwards to the opertunity to discuss and critique those suggestions and await your input 
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