Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:52
Possibly because there are no options for "I want to leave with a different deal and am most opposed to X, Y or Z." ?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:52
Them seem to be the choices ahead at the moment though. A different deal would likely be more suitable for all, but incredibly unlikely unless granted a long extension and change in PM.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:53
Isn't it just! Too many Tory Boy Brexiteers for my liking! 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:53
Always good to get other views though. I follow Dan Hannan on twitter and used to agree with a lot of what he says but then realised he is living in a dreamland of a free market utopia that just doesn't exist. Maybe one day it will but not in my or my kids lifetime that's for sure!
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:54
I completely agree, what I think we are seeing is that people would reluctantly put the project back on the top shelf and try again at another time rather than leave just for the sake of it.Of course by doing so they may have lost their last chance to do so, but it may be what we have come to.
Edit:personally, I'd rather not remain, rather not no deal and rather not may deal, so not sure which option to pick 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:54
Normally I'd agree.... 
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:54
That's the whole point of the poll ... It's facing the reality of what is actually happening and what have to do, not necessarily what we 'wish' we could do - because like the Poll, those are more or less the real options and decision we have very little time to make.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:54
Actually a lot of Leavers do not want a 'no deal'.
So the Poll option 'I want to leave with no deal' is not a good way to phrase it.
In my case I would say 'Do you reject Mays deal, want Brexit, and accept a no deal could be the outcome'.
We are where we are because Theresa May and Olly Robbins got the negotiation strategy wrong right from the start. We have ended up with a deal which was 90% written by the EU and has now been signed off by all parties.
They should have taken a more aggressive stance, formulated their own plan, while the iron was hot, just after the referendum. As it is they have been led down the garden path by the EU which they are very happy with, and Parliament, quite rightly,has rejected it - because it sells us down the river.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:54
This also proves how difficult a second referendum would be. How would it be worded?
If there was such a crazy plan to do it all again, it would have to be the same question as before. But with the proviso of a no deal.
Leave (no deal possible)
or Remain.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:55
I think this is the key part that was missed entirely.Whilst the Leave campaign was writing cheques it had no actual power/responsibility to deliver, the Government should have been putting their own plan together instead of blindly assuming Remain would be the winning vote.