Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:58
matched by absolutewhoppers from remain.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:59
Referenda tend to be binary. "Lisbon Treaty or not." Not "choose the bits I like."
And even the EU says you can't cherry pick. You are in or you are out. Once you had choices you split the vote and add "confusion." Given Remainers try to say people "didn't know what they voted for" on an in/out vote I'm not sure you can make it simpler. You are also assuming the options you want are on the table.
And from Remain. Lies about punishment budgets, mass unemployment, the EU army being a dangerous fantasy, recession and a lot more.
Also Remain stacked the cards with millions on telling people how to vote, denying access to civil servants etc, and roping in world leaders to say what they wanted.
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:59
and there in lays the gulf between us.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:59
Odd. I thought we had always agreed on so much.
Greg Hook
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:20:59
Both campaigns were dreadful.
All the remain campaign needed to do was stick to the facts. Counter the leave arguments and their lies with concise and truthful responses. But what they actually produced was one of the worst campaigns in history headed by that utter tool Cameron. A constant sh*tfest of fear-mongering.
Pigfudgeer was so ignorantly confident that he would win, no thought was put into the campaign at all.
They needed to listen to real people and why they wanted to leave and respond in a way other than trying scare tactics. There were real issues that could have been debated in a sensible way but they never were.
Whenever I hear complaints about the EU laws and policies forcing us to do a certain thing I just have to laugh. Yes, they dictate policies that member countries have to follow and some are not great, but the UK have a habit of implementing these in the harshest way possible. I have first hand experience of a major EU law that many countries are ridiculously blase about, but here in the UK of course we are as strict as we can possibly be about it. EU sets the laws, then the member countries interpret and implement that law, only the UK seems to do it in such a strict way.
They had callers on the radio the other day and one Brexiter was moaning about EU laws and the only things they could come up with was Bananas and Hoovers. This just smacks of utter idiocy and Daily Fail fallacies.
I said this months ago, but the core problem with the Remain campaign was that they couldn't counter a lot of the arguments, as to do so they would have needed to be truthful about how badly they manage the country and that a lot of the problems people think are caused by the EU are actually the Uk's own fault.
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:00
Come on then - use your specialist elite super secret insider knowledge 'particular set of skills' ... to provide a better poll.
According to you, as you have said in the other thread, that given the mess we are in we should revoke article 50 rather than take the deal on offer or leave with No Deal.
In that case there is a clear option for you ... all you need to do is decide if No Deal is ever so slightly better than May's deal, which for you I suspect might be the case.
- Revoke article 50 and oppose May's deal.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:00
Nope doesn't work for me. At its basic level I vote for things, not against things. And when I vote for something there are reasons why I vote for something.
But the key point is the poll is flawed since it doesn't allow for any alternative outside the parameters you've chosen. And your response where you seem to think what I should choose and fits with me says it all really. Typical remain stance of thinking they know it better.
As such I will abstain.
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:00
a) you can carp on about what you want or don't want to vote for, but this is reality time.
b) all you really do is complain and critique while saying it could have been done better ... which is rather simple isn't it 
c) the parameters I chose are pretty much reflective of the the reality we are facing with time running out, not hypothetical wishful thinking.
d) If it's typical of remain to think they know it better, then why weren't you running the Remain Campaign ?
e) you aren't even a UK voter and have a passport enabling you to toddle off elsewhere while the vast majority of us could potentially loose our options to move elsewhere in the EU.
... therefore on your bike svp.
PS. You could have simply abstained by not bothering the thread 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:00
This is still a discussion forum isn't it? I guess not when someone disagrees with you and has a point. Shutting down those that don't agree with you is never the answer. Sometimes it is good to listen, learn, and expand you frame of view. But hey you can always tell someone to go on their bike and see whether that works 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:21:01
1) I want to leave with No Deal
2) I want to leave with Mays deal
3) I want to Revoke Article 50
The variations of each of those was simply an additional opinion on side notes.Seemed pretty straightforward.