Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:32

Does she have time to that before Wednesday's EU summit?

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:33

No idea.

At the summit she could ask for a delay until June.
Or she could ask for the "substantial changes" and then try again with another vote.
Or she apparently could even ask for a delay and then fit in anther General election.

Seems like lots of "experts" have been having a go today.

richp007 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:33

1. Erm...yep we know that. Never said not to carry on either.

2. And yes she did. From a bunch of disgusting Brexiteer keyboard warriors. Not quite the same as civil unrest. Which is what I keep getting told will happen if we don't leave. So that's what I'm going with.

Sometimes your responses do bewilder me. 

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:34

So we can leave or carry on with no consequences? Err fine.
Death threats you can live with but not riots?

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:34

It applies to amendments and motions.


tapzilla2k Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:34

They could do that, though a Labour MP mentioned in the urgent question debate earlier that Leadsom has been muttering in the corridors , that the Government might attempt to suspend Parliament's standing orders to get a meaningful vote 3. Which would be rather explosive if they did try, I'd expect a full scale rebellion in the Commons in the form of voting her deal down again.

As far as proroguing Parliament goes ? It's been done before, last time I think to get the second Parliament Act passed into Law. However proroguing Parliament might mean necessary brexit related bills might fall by the wayside if they are not agreed to be part of the agreement that decides which bills can be carried over into a new session. It could be done in a few days, but would require a Queen's speech to open the new session. Even if May gets her deal through an extension is required to pass the other necessary brexit related bills. So unless we have No Deal on March 29th, Brexit will be delayed.

Only 3 options are left for May all of which risks splitting the Tory Party -
1. Extension to Article 50 to allow for a general election etc
2. No Deal as per EU and UK Law.
3. Revoking Article 50 to avoid a No Deal Brexit.

May can ask for a short extension, but if all the EU is offering is a long extension then she has several choices to make.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:34

Again, missing the point which is the Government have been effectively railroaded for this EU summit.

With regards the issue of bringing something back, for the Government to substantially change its motion they will need something new - which obviously has to come from the EU. For an amendment it is much easier as obviously it would be a new amendment for the new motion.

springtide Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:35

Haha you taking bets?

I thought May has said there needs to be an extension even for a no deal?As in, they are still trying to find boats!

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:35

Erskine May Vs Theresa May: This time it's personal.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:35

I suspect we will all still be EU citizens at 2301 on 29 March 2019 //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
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